Questions about Shady Sands/The Hub/ vaults

Did you really quit after your first death? Who does that? It's impossible to beat any game with that type of mindset.
pyroD said:
Did you really quit after your first death? Who does that? It's impossible to beat any game with that type of mindset.
He's hero amongst ironman players.
Playing until first death, then never trying game again. ;)
IIRC it is almost impossible to be killed by mantises, I had that early encounter too, but stomped them just like the rats inside V13's caves. Isn't the 10mm enough to kill them? I'm most sure I used it... unless... maybe I went back into the vault and acquired the shotgun in the armory, can't remember. But I feel like I used the 10mm, not the shotgun.
The problem is that there's a lot of them, they move fast, and have plenty of attacks. If the dice roll the wrong way, you're fucked.
When the Vault Dweller is overrun by mantis pack suddenly, it's time for the most secret and heroic tactics - stop fighting and run for your life!
Running away in a game? No way!

This reminds me of the Gothic games, by the way. One of the developers once said that Gothic 1 and 2 never really could get a foot on american ground, because players weren't used to running away from enemies which you can't beat at the very first encounter. Kinda funny, imo.
Lexx said:
Running away in a game? No way!

This reminds me of the Gothic games, by the way. One of the developers once said that Gothic 1 and 2 never really could get a foot on american ground, because players weren't used to running away from enemies which you can't beat at the very first encounter. Kinda funny, imo.
I always though, it's mainly cause Gothic has dark, eastern atmosphere (smiliar to Stalker) and Americans loves games similar to action movies, light effects on left and right, artificial epic themes there and there with hero as final chosen guy, who need to save the wrold, something like in Dragon Age or Mass Effect, where you're kick assing everyone you want.
In Gothic? One bad word to some random guy, and soon you will be raped by him and his friends. :)
I believe the reason Mantises are so feared is because of their constant and deadly appearances in FO2. Since I spent so much time enjoying FO2 I gradually forgot what was and wasn't a carryover from FO1, so when I replayed FO1, I was surprised to see Mantises in a random encounter, and I was sure they'd obliterate me. How surprised I was, then, that they posed very little threat at all (barring aside the obvious "if the dice rolls the wrong way" outcome, as Tagaziel pointed out). In FO1 they're not that scary at all, unless you're rather unlucky. In FO2, they're a nightmarish menace. That's quite possibly why many of us forget that the first game even included them, and why those who remember seem to recall that they were a devilish encounter.
What? I thought that Mantis in both game have same stat, isn't it true?

I believe the reason Mantises are so feared is because of their constant and deadly appearances in FO2
Deadly appearances in FO2? It's some kind of joke?
In both Fo1/fo2 they appear only in random encounters, and in both they're just farm to exp.
I honestly don't even remember if I have ever seen them in Fo2. Shows how unimportant they are to the game. :)
COAST Encounter #2:
"You are suddenly attacked by a swarm of mutated mantis!"
4 to 7 Lesser Manti

COAST Encounter #5:
"You are suddenly attacked by a swarm of mutated mantis!"
4 to 6 Lesser Manti

DESERT Boneyard Encounter #6:
"You are suddenly attacked by a swarm of mutated mantis!"
4 to 6 Lesser Manti

DESERT Shady Sands Encounter #5:
"You encounter a dead traveler."
1 body of either a generic Raider, or Lance (Shady Sands patrol guy)
- Corpse contains: 10mm Pistol, 10mm JHP, Spear, Iguana-on-a-stick, bottle caps
4 to 6 Lesser Manti

Now all you meanies who accused OP of lying, go apologize and make nice.

[note The only other way to encounter Manti (and these ones are the Greater Manti, which can easily fuck you up depending on your gear and such) is on caravan jobs.]