So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Green is here to stay, though you can still use colour pics. Just adjust the colours so when the green is applied they look normal.
There's only two switch sprites robot or industrial, though you don't have to use a switch sprite for a switch entity.
Yep they go in sounds/game but you don't need to use BoSEE. Unless you are using a lot of custom sounds you can just use some of the other sound types. For instance the RbtCompTerm doesn't have a default sound so you can name your sound file RbtCompTermDefault.wav and it'll work for a breakable but won't play for any switches that might be using that sound type.
You can set sleeping actors to a low communication and aggression state, or try having them on different teams.
There's only two switch sprites robot or industrial, though you don't have to use a switch sprite for a switch entity.
Yep they go in sounds/game but you don't need to use BoSEE. Unless you are using a lot of custom sounds you can just use some of the other sound types. For instance the RbtCompTerm doesn't have a default sound so you can name your sound file RbtCompTermDefault.wav and it'll work for a breakable but won't play for any switches that might be using that sound type.
You can set sleeping actors to a low communication and aggression state, or try having them on different teams.