Quick weapon and stuff concept.


First time out of the vault
I was bored so I decided to make a thread to throw things inside from time to time.

First, a quick concept for sniper rifle, somewhat based on the s. rifle from Fallout.

Ill be updating as soon as I grab my Wacom again. :D

Here another couple of guns, shotgun and SMG.

I love that yellow-black pattern...my fault. XD
Really good stuff, man. Do you draw in PS or do you scan your pencil drawings?

Keep 'em coming!
mkay, before anyone asks (don't take this badly, this stuff doesn't really matter, but you might want to take note if you want to make it 'realistic'):

sniper rifle:
- the pistolgrip area is wrong. looks like it belongs on a stock-less shotgun or something.
- the stock fails hard because it does not allow cheekweld in any good way.
- if you're going to make compensator holes or even just ventilation holes in the front of the barrel, put them on top dude...
- the scope doesn't look very functional at all. Xbrick! :)

- looks ok, but the ejection port might benefit from some love.

- slightly misalligned ejection port (for most common designs anyway). lengthen it forward a tiny bit.
- what's with the brass knuckles grip thing? that would totally ruin your chances of quickly drawing the weapon.
- you should move your hind sightpost back a little. the longer your sightbase, the better.
- why is the back of the gun so X-BOX huge? you're wasting space there.
mkay, before anyone asks (don't take this badly, this stuff doesn't really matter, but you might want to take note if you want to make it 'realistic'):

Oh, no problem at all. Those are just quick and rough concepts, done without proper research or study.

I just focused on aesthetics, and tried to achieve a, hum...let's say, a proper "Falloutesque look".:D

As soon as I put my paws on the game I will start with 3D models and such, so feel free to pinpoint any flaw you may find. :)
Love those pics man, they are very pleasing to the eye and actually look somewhat functional (I'm looking at you F3 combat shotgun).

p.s. Sua is great.
Tourdion said:
Oh, no problem at all. Those are just quick and rough concepts, done without proper research or study.

I just focused on aesthetics, and tried to achieve a, hum...let's say, a proper "Falloutesque look".:D
i know & i like it!

Tourdion said:
As soon as I put my paws on the game I will start with 3D models and such, so feel free to pinpoint any flaw you may find. :)
at your service, my good man.

alec said:
You really don't understand art, do you, SuAside? :lol:
i might not understand art, but i do appreciate art, my dear Alec. :)

that said, the lead flowing through my veins forces me to post such comments. :P
Well, some anonymous girl with sniper rifle.

Just quick pencils, needs a lot of polishing. :)

Ps: Ow, I forget the other arm...
Nice, good work.
I know next to nothing about guns, but is the sniper rifle to big in relation to the girl? It seemed a little off when I first looked at it.
is the sniper rifle to big in relation to the girl?

I think that the rifle looks bulkier than normal because all that crap I put on it. (like that gynormous optics) xD.

Its slightly based on one of those 50. cal Barret rifles, which are big bastards in their own right. :)