Random interesting/funny links

Thats crazy Simpleminded...the guy didnt look too bad in his yearbook photo's, but I guess over time he grew to look worse.

Considering the tanacity of online rpg players I'm actually not surprised by your article DirtyDreamDesigner. Sadly I should be.

<a href="http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=830598&CMP=OTC-RSSFeeds0312
">Not even bullets can stop your pizza from coming on time...</a>

Take a look at this guy. He got into the US with a bloody chainsaw...

The Vault Dweller
Stefanelli finally noticed his wound. His cell phone wasn't working, so he drove to his next delivery address, dropped off the pie and called his boss to ask him to call the police.
Stefanelli went on to make three more deliveries

Gotta love hungry howies
1. Is that plushie site real? It seems too gay/retarded to be real.

2. Does that Mech actually work?

3. I wonder if any WoW players have killed eachother :shock:...
Kotario said:

It would have been even better if someone had shot him. :lol:

Oh and Phil I'm pretty sure that site is real seeing as I doubt any normal person would make all those plushies just to make a fake website. Some of the stuff I read there I will surely take to the grave. Probably the weirdest website I've ever seen on the internet.

The Vault Dweller
Funny links?

Here's something I saw recently (might be teh old, not sure):

Bas Rutten - Bang Bang Bang!

You don't have to worry about anyone beating you up anymore. You can also... deliver some quality one-liners out of nothing.