Rate the above song and post your own.

3/10. I like pizza too. But not this song. Also, those kids were adorable.

Just finished watching 2nd gig, so might has well post this.
You should listen to Faith No More as well if you haven't already.

I'm a huge fan of Mike Patton's work.
If you want more Mr Bungle like stuff, check out Fantomas.
There's also Secret Chiefs 3 (not with Mike but Trey from Mr Bungle) who did a killer cover to the Halloween theme.
I also recommend naked city, which is a lot more insane than Mr Bungle.
There's Tomahawk which is really somewhere between Me Bungle and Faith No More in terms of experimentation.
Peeping Tom which is a pop album.
Lovage which is a pretty good Trip Hop group.

There's also a good cover of Come to Daddy by the Dillinger Escape Plan where he sounds completely demonic.
A noise album with Merzbo (I think) (a Japanese guy who makes harsh noise, it's basically the deep web of music).
And then there's an album of Italian Pop covers which he did with an orchestra.

There's also countless guest appearances.
Personally, I hope he does something with Omar Rodgiuez Lopez from the Mars Volta or even Les Claypool.
Maybe he'll work with Death Grips, which seems likely as he does seem to be into that kind of music.

Yeah @R.Graves, there's so much stuff out there.
It gets weird when you get to the cover songs like take that and his more recent Lady Gaga cover.

The guy is insanely busy. I reckon he is really Satan in disguise cause some of that music...

Just listen to Fantomas and you'll know.
I'm a huge fan of Mike Patton's work.
If you want more Mr Bungle like stuff, check out Fantomas.
There's also Secret Chiefs 3 (not with Mike but Trey from Mr Bungle) who did a killer cover to the Halloween theme.
I also recommend naked city, which is a lot more insane than Mr Bungle.
There's Tomahawk which is really somewhere between Me Bungle and Faith No More in terms of experimentation.
Peeping Tom which is a pop album.
Lovage which is a pretty good Trip Hop group.

There's also a good cover of Come to Daddy by the Dillinger Escape Plan where he sounds completely demonic.
A noise album with Merzbo (I think) (a Japanese guy who makes harsh noise, it's basically the deep web of music).
And then there's an album of Italian Pop covers which he did with an orchestra.

There's also countless guest appearances.
Personally, I hope he does something with Omar Rodgiuez Lopez from the Mars Volta or even Les Claypool.
Maybe he'll work with Death Grips, which seems likely as he does seem to be into that kind of music.

Yeah @R.Graves, there's so much stuff out there.
It gets weird when you get to the cover songs like take that and his more recent Lady Gaga cover.

The guy is insanely busy. I reckon he is really Satan in disguise cause some of that music...

Just listen to Fantomas and you'll know.

You're talking to someone who has the Angel Dust cover tattooed on the arm, who flew from Sweden to southern Germany to catch a re-united Faith No More in 2009 (and then back again to see them in Sweden again 2 days later). And who's shook mr Patton's hand and told him he's hotter than Britney Spears. ;)

Faith No More is and will probably for always be my number one favorite band, I started listening when I was 14 years old and I have now 18 years later not heard anything better. Tomahawk comes in second out of Patton's projects, with Bungle a close third. But I've enjoyed most of his stuff, except the really self-indulgent extremely experimental things. Fantomas' Director's Cut is awesome. The DEP EP is grand as well, I'm a fan of their early stuff but that EP is when they really shone. I liked the album after, but soon felt they went in a way too mainstream direction with the new singer trying to sound like Patton all the way.

A collab with Death Grips would be fucking awesome, I never thought of that! They're really down his alley, but maybe they're starting to get too mainstream :P

To stay on topic:

8/10, can't go wrong with some Pixies.
