Rate the avatar above yours.

I'd presume it was Batman- You know that "Superhero" Who actually has no powers just too much money and time. Not to mention his seduction of Robin, no wonder Nightwing's so fucked up.

4/10, probably directly nabbed from Simpsons.
To be fair, it's FF7 fan art, and fairly different to others.
As supposed to being lifted from a TV show.

Your mark changes not.
RPGenius said:
I'd presume it was Batman- You know that "Superhero" Who actually has no powers just too much money and time. Not to mention his seduction of Robin, no wonder Nightwing's so fucked up.
And who is also nicknamed 'Dark Knight'.

You get a 2/10. I seriously dislike anime, and I hate FF.
Xavierblazer said:
You get a 20/10. I seriously do not dislike beer
I can understand that, since that's Sander, engulfing weiss bier (is it not, S-man?). If that gets 20/10, I don't even want to know what a cold pilsner in your fist would get.
Luke said:
I can understand that, since that's Sander, engulfing weiss bier (is it not, S-man?). If that gets 20/10, I don't even want to know what a cold pilsner in your fist would get.
No, it's Grolsch, a thoroughbred pilsner. The foam must have you confused.


Aww goddamnit, another rating. You get an 8 out of 10.
Sander said:
No, it's Grolsch, a thoroughbred pilsner. The foam must have you confused.
Oh, my bad then, Grolsch is very good, easily Hollands best (not that Heineken offers that much competition, IMO).

Xavier; 5/10
Luke said:
Oh, my bad then, Grolsch is very good, easily Hollands best (not that Heineken offers that much competition, IMO).
Grolsch is indeed the best pilsener. But we have several others, Bavaria, Dommelsch, Amstel (yech), Alfa (good) and Gulpener, to name a few.

Again, 8/10.
RPGenius said:
I'd presume it was Batman- You know that "Superhero" Who actually has no powers just too much money and time. Not to mention his seduction of Robin, no wonder Nightwing's so fucked up.

Meh, way cooler than some dudes/duddettes? going around summoning cartoon demons to do their fighting... Borderline Pokemon if you ask me, and yes, I am a fan of FF7.
To dark for my monitor, i'm not sure about anyone else's. Highlighting it revealed someone reminiscent of the keepers in Thief, so it is pretty cool. 7/10.
What's with the belevel and emboss? Too dark colors, and too bright/sharp contour. 3/10.