Rate the avatar above yours.

7 - It's okay. Doesn't seem like a very high quality image, nor the best Dark Tower artwork you could make an avatar from. You did mention that in your post however.
I'll rate yours 8, Kotario. I kinda like the little lazy bastard. :)

By the way, what is Dark Tower?

Flop: 6, just seems like a random image from a film. Can't really see how it represents anything or shows the posters personality

The Dark Tower is a seiries of books by Stephen King, the fiinal part is just about to be released, hence his use of it.

KoC, I'd agree with Kotario, but I'd give it a 5. Not a great quality image, too clichéd and too small.


Executioner: 6. I don't really like the use of flags for that kind of thing, smacks of nationalism (not that I'm accusing you of that, but ...). IUt's also kind of dull, being just a diagram of the flag, rather than a picture.

I've put pictures in so that the thread will continue to make sense to future readers. Is that a good idea or not (in terms of load times etc)?

I really like those stick people (often checked that link). But maybe your previous one was a little better (9/10). I'm all for grey tones, you know. :wink:
7...your av is kinda funny, but then again, a bit lame...

oh, and, weren't we supposed to rate just the last posts av, or am I confused..? err

EDIT: ergh, that was supposed to be about Big T's av...but Alec posted before me :evil: ....
7. It's very deep.

BTW, my av shows the Dude from Big Lebowski, and it does indeed say something about my personality.
DarkCorp - 7, for nostalgia. Reminds me of one platform game from ZX spectrum for some strange reason. & it's a tad menacing, too. Which's a good thing. :twisted:
Average score for the space suit/diving suit. Vaguely sinister, but I don't get the reference, making it a little generic. That's my problem, though.

Psycho may not be a female redhead, but I'm an evil artificial intelligence lizard. :wink:

Also I totally agree that it ruins the thread if people post more than once (let alone again and again).

Wasteland rocks

And Per, nothing wrong with multiple posts, but proably best to wate 4-5 ppl to post again.
7 - Reminds me of Grim Fandango...good game.

I updated my av with the only thing on my computer you could make out at that size. Kinda funny though.

EDIT - "Resistance is futile."