Rate the avatar above yours.

Pope Viper said:
6/10 - Kind of blurry though.

Reminds me of my ex-wife.

Faithless bitch.

If that reminds you of your ex then you're probably better off, as well as safer, without her. :)

I was lazy and downloaded the pic, but have now scanned it from the novel. Not sure it's that much better. Oh well.

Unsure what the above avatar is from, but I like it. Reminds me of the old gaming days. 7/10


Carib FMJ said:
6/10.... Ah, torture device.
The avatar this comment was for is a snapshot of, "A Clockwork Orange". It's a wonderful film by Stanley Kubrick (may he rest in peace). If you haven't seen it, I highly sugguest it.
Mick1965 said:
Unsure what the above avatar is from, but I like it. Reminds me of the old gaming days. 7/10


It is a modified picture of the Radio man from Wastelands. Someone gave him a more ethnic look for me, as I kind of look like the avatar so it fits, especially since I am in the army.

Oh 6/10 Aliens

It's either a potato sack on a blanket unfortunate enough to have a massive hole in or, indeed it is simply a horribly generic "dead evil thing lol".

...I like the colour scheme. :)
7/10. Could do with some cropping.

Do we really need two Alex De Large avs around? I don't think these forums are big enough for the two of them...