Rate the avatar above yours.

You blind, mate? It's a beach. And he's not walking, he's leaning.

Anyway, 5/10, the previous one was better, methinks.
Thats a beach?

8/10 because I think its cool and he looks like he's leaning on a car that looks similar to the one in f2.
7/10 +1 if it were on black
I think that is the charm behind Perlman though. Even all those cruddy movies are worth watching just to hear him.
I watched Blade 2 up until he died just for that reason.
He's a good actor. He plays a couple of characters, and he does them well...I've never seen him do anything poorly.


oh yeah, 6/10. New one is necessary.
Chick with big gun, can't go wrong.


Edit: Mysterious Stranger may have been a useless perk, but it's still a pretty damn cool VaultBoy.