Rate the avatar above yours.

Mikael: 6/10. Don't much care for it, but well done.

Carib: 6/10. Well done, but ooold. Change is needed.
Not the best cougar in the series, I'm afraid, but I like the theme since the very beginning. Conceptual avatars - it's something else.

9.2/10 + 0.3 because I like furry animals (in a non-sexual way) :wink:
5/10 ...Seen that before somewhere else and it's not that cool.... in my opinion.

Mine is "Id" from Xenogears. He's cool + the avatar is even cooler. Also has a _slight_ resemblance with myself. This is my standard avatar.
Oh, c'mon! It IS cool!


To above: It's nice and clear. Personal too. And the more I watch it, the more I like it! 9/10