Feb 10, 2008 #5,446 A alec White heterosexual male Orderite Hm... not quite as good as the previous ones, eh? I'll give it a 6/10 for minimalism.
Feb 10, 2008 #5,447 Ah-Teen Vault Senior Citizen Orderite Alec, I'm sorry, but your fish has died. Out of sympathy for the poor critter I'll give you +1/10
Feb 10, 2008 #5,448 A alec White heterosexual male Orderite Statue of Liberty, eh? I never understood why Al Qaeda didn't bomb that shit instead of the Twin Towers. That would've made for one hell of a nice picture in one's morning paper. Meh. 6/10 +1 for the moving eyes, they're a nice addition, I guess...
Statue of Liberty, eh? I never understood why Al Qaeda didn't bomb that shit instead of the Twin Towers. That would've made for one hell of a nice picture in one's morning paper. Meh. 6/10 +1 for the moving eyes, they're a nice addition, I guess...
Feb 10, 2008 #5,449 Tagaziel Panzerkatze Orderite Simple, yet elegant. Very alecish, I have to say. %%%% / %%%%
Feb 11, 2008 #5,451 Morbus Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! 4/10 Who the hell is that guy? I like the gray tones though...
Feb 11, 2008 #5,453 McRae For sale: clown shoes, never worn Orderite ... Your avatar reminds me of some piece of modelling clay from my childhood=> 7/10
Feb 11, 2008 #5,454 R Ravager69 Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! Bad Ass Gordon Freeman, but not the best picture of him. 7\10 Here's a pro pic of Gordon http://ravager69.wrzuta.pl/obraz/AorkO4Sqm8/
Bad Ass Gordon Freeman, but not the best picture of him. 7\10 Here's a pro pic of Gordon http://ravager69.wrzuta.pl/obraz/AorkO4Sqm8/
Feb 11, 2008 #5,455 R RUN_LIKE_HELL Still Mildly Glowing Great avatar, its in my top 5 favorite in this forum 9/10 !
Feb 11, 2008 #5,456 T TwinkieGorilla This ghoul has seen it all 10/10 best guy EVER with the initials "J.C."
Feb 14, 2008 #5,459 monsharen Testament to the ghoul lifespan Staff member Admin Board Cop oTO Orderite I really like this look. 7/10
Feb 14, 2008 #5,460 Madbringer What is it that crawls behind the glass? Orderite There seems to be a centipede in your vagina ??/!!