Rate the avatar above yours.

Seriously, dude, you need to have shit that doesn't look like you resized it in MS Paint.

I know it's still pretty pixelish, but hell, I guess I'm a lame without the skill to make a proper avatar. (I use irfanview to do it BTW). Tough luck.

BTW your avatar may be clear of pixels, but it's ..... don't know what it is, frankly. Stolen from hentai?

Sorry Ravager... it sucks bad :(

Would you like me to make you one? It will only take four to six months!
Stay away demon breed! Begone with your filthy reptile porn!!

You guys are all against me in this - I shan't give up.

Good picture, in military.

-1 for lack of creativity, "Look at carib"
Cat's cannot be Communists!

They are the bourgeoisie of the animal kingdom!

This doesn't make any sense at all/It'd be funnier if you went with Mousey Tung.
The inner thespian screaming to be released in a parade of song and heart-felt drama while the outer uniform keeps it sternly in check and at attention. 8/10.