May 17, 2008 #5,923 T TwinkieGorilla This ghoul has seen it all 8/10 i dunno why yoshi, but that shit is the most fitting avatar for anybody on this site. i hope you never change it. seriously. +1 for making me laugh at the fact that you hated on Neamos av, then asked what it was. +1 to entice you to never change your avatar. you now have 10/10
8/10 i dunno why yoshi, but that shit is the most fitting avatar for anybody on this site. i hope you never change it. seriously. +1 for making me laugh at the fact that you hated on Neamos av, then asked what it was. +1 to entice you to never change your avatar. you now have 10/10
May 17, 2008 #5,924 N Neamos Still Mildly Glowing Should I put it in my sig or something dammit aww 9/10
May 18, 2008 #5,925 Ah-Teen Vault Senior Citizen Orderite Neamos said: eh +1 for png 8/10 Click to expand... PNG COMMUNIST! You shall never defeat the GREAT AND POWERFUL JPG!!!! (just please don't save too often.) Ok another temp... One I did myself a couple years ago actually.
Neamos said: eh +1 for png 8/10 Click to expand... PNG COMMUNIST! You shall never defeat the GREAT AND POWERFUL JPG!!!! (just please don't save too often.) Ok another temp... One I did myself a couple years ago actually.
May 18, 2008 #5,926 Tagaziel Panzerkatze Orderite Haha, same as your Steam avatar! Out of appreciation for you being yourself and a good pal, I award you these ten points out of ten possible.
Haha, same as your Steam avatar! Out of appreciation for you being yourself and a good pal, I award you these ten points out of ten possible.
May 18, 2008 #5,927 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite The space cat is growing on me. 9/I'm still a dog person though.
May 19, 2008 #5,930 R Ravager69 Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! I know y'all love my avatars, so go ahead! Go crazy! 7\10
May 19, 2008 #5,931 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite Ugly space hamster/space hamster is ugly. 5/10
May 19, 2008 #5,932 McRae For sale: clown shoes, never worn Orderite yeah, who doesn't like the wheelbarrow *fap fap fap* ? 8/10 for being original. What the hell is this by the way?
yeah, who doesn't like the wheelbarrow *fap fap fap* ? 8/10 for being original. What the hell is this by the way?
May 19, 2008 #5,933 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite It's a bag of Doritos. They are a popular brand of fried corn chips that are flavored with a variety of seasonings. This particular bag is Japanese and I am just as confused as you are about what it means exactly. Japan is crazy/10
It's a bag of Doritos. They are a popular brand of fried corn chips that are flavored with a variety of seasonings. This particular bag is Japanese and I am just as confused as you are about what it means exactly. Japan is crazy/10
May 20, 2008 #5,934 X Xavierblazer Vault Senior Citizen 10/10 because I was at an asian market today and saw many silly things like that.
May 20, 2008 #5,936 N Neamos Still Mildly Glowing 9/10 What is that, the flag of Laplandia? heh heh get it heh
May 20, 2008 #5,937 Tagaziel Panzerkatze Orderite Waaaat? 7/10 Will look better with at least three trefoils.
May 20, 2008 #5,938 R Ravager69 Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! Not enough japanese chicks dressed in schoolgirl uniforms. Punching each other with superpowered combos. 7\10
Not enough japanese chicks dressed in schoolgirl uniforms. Punching each other with superpowered combos. 7\10