Rate the avatar above yours.

That's pretty cool, Madd. Reminds me of Doom quite a bit, but doesn't really look like a sprite from it...

general-it's cool, (Universal Soldier, anyone?), I just think it's a bit of a strange drawing of Castle.
It's not funny to make fun of the fact that lobsters are notoriously addicted to shooting craps.


Stag: Trust me, when you've read The Punisher like I have, you appreciate stuff like this and learn to hate things like...



And this.

But I am going to do something with this real soon...
I really like the Punisher, especially after playing the game.

I mean, wouldn't countries benefit from having such a guy running rampant killing criminals?


That was a pretty sweet game, though...
Zaron - I agree with Ashmo on the review, but not the rating. I give it a 4/10.

Ashmo - I have no idea where it comes from, but there's comedy in it anyway. Plus, it's kind of 'avatary' in it's nature, so 7/10.

generalismsmosufiro - Cool thing. Again, no idea of origins (and I'm too lazy to click that link of yours), but since it's nifty and crisp - 7/10.

Bradminger - 'tis.. er.. what is it? I don't know whether it sucks or <strike>rules</strike> almost doesn't suck. 6/10.

Nexus6 - Original or comical as it may seem to some, I still think it's kind of gay. 4/10.

Yoshi525 - You go to hell and you die/10.

Mikael Grizzly - Did you belevel/emboss that with like 1 pixie? Anyway, you are sick and need help. Seriously. You're nice and cool and friendly, but there's something wrong with you, in the head... Only in a different way than the wrongy stuffs in my head. (I am Luke, I can make up words.) But you already know that, so without further ado, 2/10. <3

<strike>Wooz</strike>Ravager69 - looks like Zarons av, only cooler. 6/10

Sharcc - It's alright enough (for an internet retro style 1999 thingie) and combo'd with your sig, but the slight animation turns me off. 6/10.

Also, if everyone did like me when rating avs, there would be more exchange of awesomely constructive and/or humorously derogatory opinions, and less +1 posting.

Luke. Or Scrooge McDuck should I say? The wise, albeit strangely cheeky being haunting the NMA forums, recently infected by the Mariohugger deserves at least 10/10

Also, Luke, I understand that rating is an invitation to a hot orgy (furries not necessarily included)?

I won't rape your dog/cat, promise.

I don't like talking animals: I'm not the biggest fan of La Fontaine.
And I really don't understand your avatar very well...
I think that's a manifestation of Xavier's secret desire to have a relationship with a dickgirl.

I like yours. 9/10
I know that's a manifestation of your not-so secret desire to have a relationship with an anthropomorphic animal.

Doesn't bother me though.

For I have a sexual condition so utterly bizarre and horrifying that even mentioning it would get me burned on a stake/10.
apropos sexual deviation

sadly it is only german. i will translate a few bits


a guy who's fetish is ground meat. he buys, once a month, 60 kilograms of ground meat. then he forms a "woman" out of it and has some form of intercourse with it. domian, the moderator, does a late-night-tv show for some 13 years where everybody can call in and tell his story. so every german not totally illiterate does know about domian and the "ground meat" incident.

i especially like the bit of him when he says: "it is so... untouched, like a virgin... so clean, when you touch it... ". this guy spent 800 deutschmark a month for this (400 euro).

he usually prefers pork meat. he keeps it for 2 till 3 days and then throws it away.

ah yes: lukes avatar: i always hated micky mouse and loved donald, dagobert and all that ducks / 60 kg