Zaron - I agree with Ashmo on the review, but not the rating. I give it a 4/10.
Ashmo - I have no idea where it comes from, but there's comedy in it anyway. Plus, it's kind of 'avatary' in it's nature, so 7/10.
generalismsmosufiro - Cool thing. Again, no idea of origins (and I'm too lazy to click that link of yours), but since it's nifty and crisp - 7/10.
Bradminger - 'tis.. er.. what is it? I don't know whether it sucks or <strike>rules</strike> almost doesn't suck. 6/10.
Nexus6 - Original or comical as it may seem to some, I still think it's kind of gay. 4/10.
Yoshi525 - You go to hell and you die/10.
Mikael Grizzly - Did you belevel/emboss that with like 1 pixie? Anyway, you are sick and need help. Seriously. You're nice and cool and friendly, but there's something wrong with you, in the head... Only in a different way than the wrongy stuffs in my head. (I am Luke, I can make up words.) But you already know that, so without further ado, 2/10. <3
<strike>Wooz</strike>Ravager69 - looks like Zarons av, only cooler. 6/10
Sharcc - It's alright enough (for an internet retro style 1999 thingie) and combo'd with your sig, but the slight animation turns me off. 6/10.
Also, if everyone did like me when rating avs, there would be more exchange of awesomely constructive and/or humorously derogatory opinions, and less +1 posting.