Jun 18, 2008 #6,101 S syllogz Still Mildly Glowing SHOOT the supposedly-cute-pink-manga-girl-with-flowers TO PIECES!!!! AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! 2 point for venting some steam off (wasn't much to vent, though) 2 / 10
SHOOT the supposedly-cute-pink-manga-girl-with-flowers TO PIECES!!!! AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! 2 point for venting some steam off (wasn't much to vent, though) 2 / 10
Jun 19, 2008 #6,104 I I_eat_supermutants Vault Senior Citizen 8/10 for you good sir. I tip my balding head to you.
Jun 19, 2008 #6,111 Z ZiggyMeister It Wandered In From the Wastes 9/10 If it isn't it really looks like Venom, and I really like the looks of Venom, even on the Spider-Man 3 Movie...
9/10 If it isn't it really looks like Venom, and I really like the looks of Venom, even on the Spider-Man 3 Movie...
Jun 19, 2008 #6,116 Pope Viper This ghoul has seen it all Orderite 5/10. Looks like some weird kind of cartoon rape scene.
Jun 19, 2008 #6,117 Madbringer What is it that crawls behind the glass? Orderite A little piece of Alec that is still around. /me lets out a small tear 9.5/10
Jun 19, 2008 #6,118 E Eyenixon Vault Senior Citizen It has that god awful Japanese-whatsit face on it or whatever. I'm guessing it's tongue in cheek, but that thing is pissing me off. 7/10
It has that god awful Japanese-whatsit face on it or whatever. I'm guessing it's tongue in cheek, but that thing is pissing me off. 7/10
Jun 19, 2008 #6,119 monsharen Testament to the ghoul lifespan Staff member Admin Board Cop oTO Orderite A man touching a child... 5/10. Because you can't really tell where it's going...