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Just a couple of normal guys spending their day. 7/10

<- For clarification's sake - this is not a 'doomish' monster, this IS a Doom II Motherfucking Monster Demon only with a wanky anime face slash tear just coz i like that contrast. It's name is Pain Elemental and it pukes flying skulls which are on fire and scream, and yes, this is awesome.
its the bigger brother ("bigger" as in: later in the game) of the fireball-spewing cacodaemon.

thus: at least
of 100.
My bad dude i guess i was in mid posting or something. Not much for metal anymore so 5/10 your sig rocks thought.
"According to his recently rediscovered obituary, Albert Swearengen was found dead in the middle of a suburban Denver street in late 1904. He apparently died of a massive head wound and was not hopping a freight train as is often reported"

From :


So, don't forget Twinkie, when you go to work, beware the train with arms backwards.

P.S : 8/10 for VD.