Jul 14, 2008 #6,261 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite Not familiar enough Dreck C-/10 Hahahahah.
Jul 14, 2008 #6,262 I I_eat_supermutants Vault Senior Citizen Not EXACTLY sure but still cool looking... 8/10
Jul 14, 2008 #6,263 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite It's Nighthawk. I'm not going to throw a fit that you don't know who he is, but rather give you an example as to why I like him. Also, 10/10, because it still looks kickass.
It's Nighthawk. I'm not going to throw a fit that you don't know who he is, but rather give you an example as to why I like him. Also, 10/10, because it still looks kickass.
Jul 14, 2008 #6,264 K KingAlex First time out of the vault 10/10 Awsome ear ripping guy, and cool eyes.
Jul 14, 2008 #6,265 H horse Vault Fossil Orderite whats that? mike-tyson-man? pipboy in buddy-jesus-pose? still awesome/10!
Jul 14, 2008 #6,266 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite You have died. People in the future will rate your death on a scale of 1 to 10 based on random variables and their current mood. I give you a 10/10, mostly because I'm drunk on cheap wine and nostalgia.
You have died. People in the future will rate your death on a scale of 1 to 10 based on random variables and their current mood. I give you a 10/10, mostly because I'm drunk on cheap wine and nostalgia.
Jul 14, 2008 #6,267 Yoshi525 Vault Senior Citizen Orderite 4/10 'Awesome. Pace, power, technique. Awesome. Defending? Terrible. If in doubt, kick it out. Terrible'
4/10 'Awesome. Pace, power, technique. Awesome. Defending? Terrible. If in doubt, kick it out. Terrible'
Jul 14, 2008 #6,268 Carib FMJ Nuka-Cola Chaser 10/10... It's the damn lobster and of course, dice. I love dice.
Jul 15, 2008 #6,270 S Sev217 First time out of the vault 7/10 just a man in a hood looks cool but not really special. unless thats actually you in the hood then awsome possum 9/10
7/10 just a man in a hood looks cool but not really special. unless thats actually you in the hood then awsome possum 9/10
Jul 15, 2008 #6,272 I I_eat_supermutants Vault Senior Citizen I was just in Deadwood South Dakota. I gambled and drank so much I bought a sword. So 10/10
Jul 15, 2008 #6,273 McRae For sale: clown shoes, never worn Orderite I_eat_supermutants said: I was just in Deadwood South Dakota. I gambled and drank so much I bought a sword. So 10/10 Click to expand... Hehehe, were you that drunk you thought about opening a bottle of champagne using a sword? So, let's see... good avatar and as many guys said before, it reminds me of Venom. Here's a 9/10 for ya.
I_eat_supermutants said: I was just in Deadwood South Dakota. I gambled and drank so much I bought a sword. So 10/10 Click to expand... Hehehe, were you that drunk you thought about opening a bottle of champagne using a sword? So, let's see... good avatar and as many guys said before, it reminds me of Venom. Here's a 9/10 for ya.
Jul 20, 2008 #6,277 R Ravager69 Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! Cheer up! Death is but the beginning! 7\10