Rate the avatar above yours.

I have to take a closer look to understand what's going on in your av, so 5/10.

Abit dark, but I love the picture itself :)

Edit: new avatar so the comment below is directed at the last one.

<--just doesn't get it.

EDIT: Gets it now, saw the original art, hasn't finished the series. upgraded to 9/10.
8/10 Simple and effective. I like.

New avatar for me - sorry for the rapid change but was not entirely happy with the last one...
meant for i eat supermutants: Reminds me of Venom. Plus points for keeping it monochromatic. 8/10

EDIT: Got outposted

Nice colour scheme, warm reds with the stark cold white face. Oh, but he's an elf. 6/10

ps. Is it just you 10+ circle jerk-ers (in the most respectful way, of course) that frequent here?
PlanHex said:
11 circle jerkers.
I see. Thanks for the article either way, there's so much stuff that I miss.

The avatar work is only from (one of) the koolest (you know the real kind of "cool") small rock band poster designers eva! John Solimine.
Many (kool) beautiful works can be found here

On to buisness, clay and Earth worm Jim, how can you go wrong? 8.5/10