Sep 17, 2008 #6,761 R Ravager69 Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! and then things started to get hot and heavy... 10000000\10 for possible sex scene.
Sep 17, 2008 #6,764 PlanHex Legislative Senator oTO Admin Board Cop oTO Orderite Meh. 4/10 Also, -∞/∞ for causing the pic thread to close down.
Sep 18, 2008 #6,766 S Stg Granite Look, Ma! Two Heads! Erm... I even like that Power Armor's helmet, but, aside of it, the armor is completely wrong. So... 0.137507/10
Erm... I even like that Power Armor's helmet, but, aside of it, the armor is completely wrong. So... 0.137507/10
Sep 18, 2008 #6,768 V verwandlung Look, Ma! Two Heads! L'Homme à la Tête de Chou = 10/10 (The man with the cabbage head)
Sep 18, 2008 #6,769 P Public Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! The guy: Hehee, nice boobs The female: Hahaha "What a jerk" 6/10
Sep 18, 2008 #6,770 Jebus Background Radiant Orderite I honestly can't believe this thread is still here. I mean - 339 pages of pure +1. The Psychosniper legacy for the ages. Also, when did this get stickied? Oh yeah - guy above me: 7/10. I like the fact that it's a picture, and it fits with your sig.
I honestly can't believe this thread is still here. I mean - 339 pages of pure +1. The Psychosniper legacy for the ages. Also, when did this get stickied? Oh yeah - guy above me: 7/10. I like the fact that it's a picture, and it fits with your sig.
Sep 18, 2008 #6,773 Jebus Background Radiant Orderite alec said: 0/10 Click to expand... Now now. Bux: Zombie/10
Sep 18, 2008 #6,775 Daimyo Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! Orderite That is a 10/10 hands down.
Sep 19, 2008 #6,778 A alec White heterosexual male Orderite Oh man... oh man... that is just so tiny and funny, I've got to give that at least 3/10. +5 because I can't stop laughing.
Oh man... oh man... that is just so tiny and funny, I've got to give that at least 3/10. +5 because I can't stop laughing.