Rate the avatar above yours.

I'm sure I should know where that comes from, but even though I don't, it's a 9/10 easy. I'd frame it and hang it on my wall.
Smiting pagans off the face of Vault.

8/10. When rating my avatar, take a look at the sig pic, it's the same thing. Couldn't put it on the avatar because it's too big.
Dude, you're such a fucking spammer, it's fucking ridiculous. You've rated my avatar a gazillion times already and you always give 10/10. WTF, mang? Why the fuck do you keep doing that? What makes you tick, mang? What drives you, man? Seriously.:wtf:



3*4-2 = 10/10

Stylized, reminds me of that time I had a living dream that I was in Finnegan's Wake. Fish fish fish fish.