Rate the avatar above yours.

What's that white stuff on her feet, alec? Fungus? Coconut? Cotton? Ant eggs?

I always thought chick avatars were kind of lame, so 4/10.

Skynet - your av is a bit fanboyish... for the wrong thing. ;) 4/10. People complain about Bethesda, but imagine if EA had developed Fallout 3. :silly:
@ alec: 9/10 due to your s.p.e.c.i.a.l. tastes

That last point requires the pic to portrait yourself, alec ...

@ Luke: 10/10 It does not fail. Never change it, please. (Except for hats etc ...)

Edit: dammit - took too long to post :)

I won't even pretend to know who the fuck that is, but eyepatches are awesome. Besides the, uh, whole depth perception thing.
7/10 I've seen this image a dozen time but still no clue of its origin, reminds me of bat boy. I like it.