Rate the avatar above yours.

edit: alec's finally got an avatar that doesnt hurt to look at. 10/10.

comrade rcorporon, 20/10, 10 for the av and 10 for the sig.

puokki, 10/10 for retrotech.

chancellor, 7/10. cool reference, but predictable.
I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking at here. You, with a spoon hanging out of your mouth? Best guess.

5/10. Nothing inherently wrong with it, nothing great about it. I might note that you manage to make it look like holding a spoon handle between your teeth is the most lugubrious thing you've ever been forced to do.

Like it, don't know why, also the name just seems to really make the picture work.

P.S. I really didn't understand the ending of your comment about my pic. :P
Wait. :shock: That's you in your av? Weren't you supposed to be rather cute? What happened? Did the aids get you? :?

4/10 because I notice the spoon now (thanks Yamu).

+3 if it's you.