Rate the avatar above yours.

Do you realize that this thread makes out about 2% of this forum?

Mareks av gets a 0, red Xs are so last week.
Marek's avatar is visible only to the smart people. So it gets 9/10.

Luke, though, gets only 5. Katakana isn't pretty. Besides, wtfdozzatmean?!
5. I don't Know. Well, yea is your name but is it in japanese, chinese or korean? Doesn't matter, I can't read any of those anyways, so I evaluated the Image mostly.
5. Nifty image mebbe if you're into military stuff I guess, but methinks it's a little pale, and I don't find teh military images to be all that kewl, unless of course they are depicting the ranks of warhammer fantasy models lining up for battle.

Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
5. I don't Know. Well, yea is your name but is it in japanese, chinese or korean? Doesn't matter, I can't read any of those anyways, so I evaluated the Image mostly.

Japanese plz, 'tis the only language using katakana. Don't diss the image though, I drew it myself in photohop since I'm too retarded to know how to implement japz0r fonts :( (except for read-only purposes; I can view japz0r text on websites, but I can't copy+paste it to word or photoshop). I would have spelled it out in Hentaigana due to its funny name, but alas I don't know this script system.
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
7. Makes me remember those old video games. What video game was it?

Star Controll II, now available as the U.r-Quan Masters (ignore the period). See the appropriate thread in General Gaming.

Luke gets a 7.5 as well. Looks cool, but I for one can't read Japanese. (Wish I could!)
WOW.... Lord 342 just got a bitchen high rate!

Mehtis... What is yours a cyborg of some sort?
7 if it is
lol I have heard people say I look like a lot of things... Nail... Strongbad... cat.... but CYBORG!.... thats hot.... lol

BTW I give you a 10. I have always been really impressed by yours
Eh...5...the Fallout 3 symbol and the "addict" thing are cool effects but I can't rate your face because I'm heterosexual (attracted to women). 8)

Dude. You actuall *can* rate his face, even being the apotheosis of heterosexuality.

Fugly faces are fugly, no matter your sexuality.

Oh yes, and 4 for the av. Totally un-original.
8. Where does the image come from?

Luke wrote:
5. Nifty image mebbe if you're into military stuff I guess, but methinks it's a little pale, and I don't find teh military images to be all that kewl, unless of course they are depicting the ranks of warhammer fantasy models lining up for battle.

I was thinking of a Space Marine (Blood Ravens) from W40K.
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
I was thinking of a Space Marine (Blood Ravens) from W40K.

The similarity would be where?


5 to clercquer, it's just some old dude.