Rate the avatar above yours.

Forgotten said:

That ugly thing is only about an hour away from me and im subjected to look at it whenever i go to Newcastle!
A) You suck
B) The Angel rocks
C) Why the hell would you want to go to Newcastle?
D) If you don't like it, then surely you approve of my little alteration?

Anyway, Carib FMJ - 8. A cool PA image, but it loses a little bit due to the lack of context.
Hmm, Stryfe, I like yours, even tho' it is a little strange.... 8.

10 for Big T. YAY FOR ENGLAND!
Was ist? - 7
A little too simple, but certainly got its style.
Fits into this forum color scheme very well, too.
8, for being a Kill Bill refference, but it's a little bit hard to decipher at first...

Personally I think the "Parot" that Jebus has turned up with is perhaps the funniest thing I've ever seen. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it! Dare I ask how one come to get the roto-parot??? (yes, I realize that it is a less-than-positive form of recognition!)
8.5, it always encourages me to adopt an animated Spathi avatar.

As for Jebus's parrot, you have to venture to the deepest depths of The Order to discover the origin. Specifically, the annual Order Awards. Jebus was voted the "The Venerable Parrot Rank of the Year Award' by a jury of his peers. However, it only lasts for one month, so enjoy it for it's duration.
Thanks! I don't know who actually *created* it but it's certainly priceless.

You specifically get an 8.5 as well because it's animated but amazingly not in the least distracting or annoying, which is pretty damn good. ('Course credit goes to Calculon for making so many good animated avatars) I'd love to see a Spathi Avatar, but yours just *fits*.
Yours is one of the best ever. Not only for animation and quality, but its completely unique. Each eye blinks independently and the tentacles writhe. 9.5

By the way Kotario. Who is the character in your avatar? Did you make it yourself?

The Vault Dweller
Hmm... a 6.8 Vault Dweller.

Vault Dweller, I take it you have never played Star Control II? I suggest you do, you can download it free, under the title of The UrQuan Masters (with a hyphen, but I had to leave that out because of the word filter). Experience with the game will also shed light on Lord 342's handle.

All the alien races have similar animations for the communication's screen. For example, the Spathi avatar I was mentioning (though this has not been shrunk to an appropriate size):

As for my avatar, it is the character Rukawa Kaede from the anime/manga Slam Dunk (on basketball, if you couldn't guess). Though I personally dislike sports anime/manga, I chose this avatar because, basically enough, I liked it: it tickled my sense of humour. The character the avatar is taken from had no relation with my choice of it.


Edit: I've changed my avatar, so the Rukawa Kaede information no longer applies.
9, I dont know what to think... If you are for real 9 cuz pissing guys off that can kick my ass sideways is never no fun... Oh wait... I guess I have just been beat like a baby seal... for some... reason so anywho cheers 4! lol
8.5, I just like it, don't ask me to give a full review.

BTW: Mine is an Argentinian soldier from the Malvinas (Falklands) War.