Rate the avatar above yours.

Gus said:
Jebus got the one above for his inability to shutting his fat chops off..

Ejjjj... You just remember to be nice, dark secret - boy.

And that's 'Jebus allmighty lord of the Universe and Chief Holder of my anus' to you, remember?
Jebus allmighty lord of the Universe and Chief Holder of my faecal dispenser said:
Yeah, whatever..

You know, even though you never shut up i still love you Jeebs..
Already rated yours. Would someone else rate mine? I want to know if I should stick to it.
Lt. Col. Gonzalez, a fair 6.2.

Messages get buried quickly in this thread. Sorry about neglecting earlier comments and queries.

My avatar is cropped from a "character filegraphy" sheet by Range Murata, character designer for Last Exile. It is of the character Ralph Wednesday, in flight gear; a minor character that helps set up the story for the protagonist in the third episode of the series.

Heh, the full pic looks a bit like the Fallout concept art we once posted.

Maybe it's the young Overseer? :P

Gonzalez - stick to it, it's cool. I told you already :D

EDIT: A message to Atkins, 8 posts below mine - you forgot to account for The Order being ghei :P
Silencer, yours is total f*king green f*king clouds in a post-apocalyptic world, b*tch. It kicks some serious f*kin *ss, you sh*t-eating donkey-r*pin c*nt-eater.


EXTREEEEEME TO THE MAX as you may be, those Loonatics are totally ugly. 4/10.
Silencer said:
Heh, the full pic looks a bit like the Fallout concept art we once posted.

Maybe it's the young Overseer? :P

You think so?

Luke, if they are totally ugly, why as high a score as 4? I would rate them a 2 myself.

Hmm... I think I've seen that image before Luke, regardless, I give it a 5.73.
Kotario said:
Luke, if they are totally ugly, why as high a score as 4? I would rate them a 2 myself.

For one I'm only rating the actual avatar, not the Loonatics in general. His sig is disgusting, but the avatar isn't *that* bad, only 'pretty ugly', which I think 4 describes rather well.

Also, I am influenced by rating warhammer miniatures at coolminiornot.com. Go there and look up any warhammer mini with a 4/10 score and you will find that it will make your eyes twitch. You are not familliar with the coolminiornot rating system? :P

EDIT: Here is for instance a WH40k Champion of Khorne (though not Kharn) currently rated 4.7. Does that mean this is only half as bad as a perfect 10? No. It's pretty damn ugly.


Let us compare it to, say, my WH40K Eldar Swooping Hawk Exarch rating in at 7.2. Having a rating only 2.5 points higher than the above model, is this only 25% better? No. Totally cool:

7.5 - 2 (for complaining) = 5.5

Really, reducing it to such size does serve to greatly diminish it's appeal. Accept the judgement of the Commissar.
IvanJarvis said:
5 its too simple..

what? are you joking? drawing is so hard. I give that a 7.8 if not an 8.
love the pose to.

yours is good to, cause it has color and everything, i give it the same rating, 7.8-8.

very nice shit above me :)
Why are you guys calling my av an inverted eskimo? I dunno what you're on about, it's cool, I found it on the internet. Ivan Jarvis: 6.

Atkins: Your av isn't all that groovy. I'd hit her, but having a hawt babe in your av should be combined with either a big fat cock throbbing her, or a juicy load of cum, and that's not really allowed here. So 5.