Rate the avatar above yours.

I can't seem to tell what your avatar is. 5/10 so far.

But, it seems like some kind of soldier - I respect soldiers, 7/10.

And, since avatar ratings are overrated, 8/10.

So, my final decision is 8/10.

Reminds me of my childhood, playing eye of the beholder for sega cd while my hard drive was defragging, with the blue and yellow clusters on the screen.
Reminds me of Flaming Carrot

7 of 10
Makes me want to devote a spare computer solely for an old OS, and playing old games on. 7/10 to cause a combo.

Hell, 10/10 for giving me a weekend project/
Exact same hair as I have at the moment. Widow's Peak for the WINNAH!!!

Nipples are a bit too much though.
