Rate the avatar above yours.

I like yours, it gives me a Gamma World/old sci-fi B movie vibe (what's it from BTW?).
He's an angry mutant, but I beleive under his gruff facade is a sensitive, misunderstood being trying to come out.
Like it, has some nice feel that I can't describe. 9/10

Mine is from an old tabletop game that revolves around getting to the treasure chamber in an evil castle and grab the booty before the sun goes down. Within sleeps ye olde dragon that will burn you if he wakes up. It's pretty difficult to actually get to the treasure in the first place though... Anyway, the av is from that game, sometimes monsters called "corpse eaters" will emerge from the floor in the castle and they are nasty. The av is from a corpse eater token that you use tokeep track on how many of the bastards are currently eating you.

Here's a poor picture of the game's components. The castle is sort of created as you go, when you enter a new room you draw a square at random to tell what kind of room it is and cards for what it contains.
Oh yes, Slayers are always nice, and the signature gave me a good laugh the first time I saw it.
