Rate the avatar above yours.

cyberpunk meets steam <,,<
I give it 7 licks and a ball jiggle.

That said...

INTERNET NINJA STRIKES AGAIN! *disappears back into the lurk*
Every fucking time I open this thread, you're the last person that's posted. So screw it, I'm done avoiding rating your avatar.

Reminds me of wanting to learn electric guitar but having been stuck into flute lessons by my mom. This avatar brings up childhood traumata: 3/10
reminds me of a hobo that use to buy me booze when I was was a 14.

6/10 because he fucked up our order a few times.
So is the whole 1950's thing FO fallout is some what based on and yet here you are.

I'm not trying to be spiteful but I have no clue what your av is. So: 3.5/10