Rate the avatar above yours.

Wooz said:

4. It's <s>kinda Kitsch</s> Very Kitsch.
wooz, is say the last 3 posts should be diped in the vats.

anyways, Wooz, your pic freaks me out, so i give it a 6
BUT if you can tell me whats the story behind it, it can go all the way up to an *8*

I love pics with stories behind it.
Atkins Diet said:
wooz, is say the last 3 posts should be diped in the vats.

O, rly?

Story: My face, edited in Photoshop to look like a commie-style totalitarian, cyberpunk law enforcer. It's *meant* to freak you out.

4. Meh.

Hot girl avatars aren't that great. Girls, and posters with their semi-nude pictures are for other uses than re-sizing them to 100x100 pixel-sized images.

Alright assclowns. The purpose of this thread is to RATE THE AVATAR ABOVE YOURS. Any posts that do not fulfill that single simple requirement will be deleted a la "who do you think is sexy". Note that once you rate, you can still talk and babble on like the incoherent little porn-fiends you are.

But always rate the avatar.
4 for the skull. Cool, but too small.

Also, your post gets vatted soon on grounds of non-rating.
I think T_V_D's new avatar is possibly his best so far, although the mushroom cloud was more neutral and thus better for a long-term avatar.
Per said:
I think T_V_D's new avatar is possibly his best so far, although the mushroom cloud was more neutral and thus better for a long-term avatar.

Im so glad someone finally noticed me! Per of all people...guess its his attention to detail. :wink:

Ya I think the picture is hilarious. The idea of the Mushroom Cloud as being a better long-term avatar is too true though...it fits into the theme of this place and ultimately gives away very little...

As for your avatar. I cant love it anymore than I already have. I mean its directly from Wasteland plus you alter it for unique reasons. Its the best avatar I think is here. Though its close with the other post-apocalyptic avatars the VIP's here have...

Rating: 11 (if thats possible)

The Vault Dweller
Jebus said:
Edited by Murdoch:

Try me, squawker. .

Is there something about my posts that cry out "EDIT ME!", or something?

Also - this particular edit was out of line, in my humble opinion.

I rate whoever's above me a 6. Ain't that nice?
Murdoch said:

Alright assclowns. The purpose of this thread is to RATE THE AVATAR ABOVE YOURS. Any posts that do not fulfill that single simple requirement will be deleted a la "who do you think is sexy". Note that once you rate, you can still talk and babble on like the incoherent little porn-fiends you are.

But always rate the avatar.

I would rate yours a 8.
Very nice. Deff. one of the better pic on these forums.
Jebus said:
So what's your av supposed to be? Is it an angel? Does it have a meaning?

The_Vault_Dweller said:
Im so glad someone finally noticed me! Per of all people...guess its his attention to detail.
Do I smell an attention whore here...? :P
clercqer said:
Jebus said:
So what's your av supposed to be? Is it an angel? Does it have a meaning?

The_Vault_Dweller said:
Im so glad someone finally noticed me! Per of all people...guess its his attention to detail.
Do I smell an attention whore here...? :P
and your joining in on it to!!!!
SPAMMER!!! :lol: :P :P

I give it a 6. DUDE you should make him do something really funny. That would be so cool.
John Uskglass said:

Quite hot.

DEAR GOD that hitious thing is back! Are you trying to send me away!
WHat do you want? Fine I will give you a 10, just leave me aloooone!
*runs away forever*
2. Another hot girl. Wheee!

Finally we've gotten rid of him! *sigh* I know it's not true, but still, made me happy for a second.
Yah, sticky! This must be celebrated with an av change.

9 for Dove, if the red is blod, that is.
If not 5.
4. I like the F3 logo, but it's been done too often.

Yeah, it's blood. Got it from a poster for "The Birthday Massacre", an industrial/glam band from Toronto.
6. Because you made it.


This is the chick that inspired that image.

/edit: picture link...


Original pic.