Rate the avatar above yours.

So... torn... Radsuit with gasmask, but indistinct. Pulp comic, but awkwardly resized...

6.5/10, and I'll spare you the unnecessarily drawn-out string of bonuses and penalties I had to factor through in order to get you that number. Rest assured it would've been a 7 if I hadn't had to do all that math, though.

(And ATTN: Farmerk: Since you were kind enough to dedicate a milestone post to aiding my linguistic awareness and I repaid you by heinously neglecting to pass repeat judgement on your avatar, I hereby retroactively rate it "Disastermelons." Also, all those half-Lucky Charms marshmallows from the prior rating are upgraded to wholes.)
I have no idea what it is.

Farmerk said:
Creepy bad and low quality. 4/10

I had to reduce it's size dramatically to meet the maximum avatar size requirement.

Here's the full sized version which is cut from a larger illustration.
