Rate the avatar above yours.

Scary. 8/10

Saw this and thought it was cool for a new avatar, wanted to keep my raging brahma though.


I was always curious about your raging brahma. I know it's based on a WWII U-Boot emblem, just not sure why you chose that or how came across it. Maybe you like U-Boats?


EDIT: Whoops, I was rating Mubuck's av but you beat me to it.

6.8/10 It's not bad but I just don't know what it its. :|

one is a genius, the others insane

Yesh I play U-Boat games, they are, to me, the best "stealth" games. I'm not "all about" u-boats though. I just really liked that emblem and wanted to make a brahma version of it.