May 31, 2005 #1,382 B Brahmin Still Mildly Glowing I am particularly fond of this one, I'm not sure why, I just really like wolves, especially this one. 9/10 edit: didnt notice the other page... Oh well, I'm going to review the bird again. I love it. 95%
I am particularly fond of this one, I'm not sure why, I just really like wolves, especially this one. 9/10 edit: didnt notice the other page... Oh well, I'm going to review the bird again. I love it. 95%
Jun 2, 2005 #1,383 L LoneEagle First time out of the vault Nica one... A dead brahmin - how original! 90/99
Jun 3, 2005 #1,384 Dragonetti Water Chip? Been There, Done That Hmm. Power armour head. Not at all over used in Fallout forums. 2/100
Jun 3, 2005 #1,385 D DirtyDreamDesigner Venerable Relic of the Wastes Moderator Uuuuh, dude, your av is a nuke sign... Don't you think that's a bit over used too? Anyway I never get tired of it, plus it has a cool shade of yellow so... 6.5/10
Uuuuh, dude, your av is a nuke sign... Don't you think that's a bit over used too? Anyway I never get tired of it, plus it has a cool shade of yellow so... 6.5/10
Jun 3, 2005 #1,386 Dragonetti Water Chip? Been There, Done That A VERY cool shade of yellow you'll find. Lover-ly picture. Cartoon corpses... Good use of colour though. 7/10
A VERY cool shade of yellow you'll find. Lover-ly picture. Cartoon corpses... Good use of colour though. 7/10
Jun 3, 2005 #1,387 D DJ Slamák Brain for eat. Not for think. 5/10. Very generic, and I do believe someone here is already using it (or did fairly recently). Dragonetti is here.
5/10. Very generic, and I do believe someone here is already using it (or did fairly recently). Dragonetti is here.
Jun 3, 2005 #1,388 K Kenoxi First time out of the vault don't know what it really is (lloks like a ghoul) but it's cool 9.5/10
Jun 3, 2005 #1,389 Dragonetti Water Chip? Been There, Done That Ooooh! Looks like a bird with cigarette packets strapped around it! 1337/10
Jun 4, 2005 #1,390 H Hovercar Madness Still Mildly Glowing you get a 6! (6*5*4*3*2*1) out of 10! (10*9*8*...etc) for being boring.
Jun 4, 2005 #1,392 D DirtyDreamDesigner Venerable Relic of the Wastes Moderator Mmmmmm - hamburger. 8/10. -1 because the burger-making button doesnt work
Jun 4, 2005 #1,393 H Hovercar Madness Still Mildly Glowing Brahmin said: Silly, but fun... 7/10 Click to expand... Since when are silly and fun contradictory? let me fix it for you: Brahmin said: Silly AND fun! gazillion/gazillion Click to expand... Oh.. and uh, DDD gets a C-. EDIT: not contradictory... but eh... damn my non-anglican upbringing.
Brahmin said: Silly, but fun... 7/10 Click to expand... Since when are silly and fun contradictory? let me fix it for you: Brahmin said: Silly AND fun! gazillion/gazillion Click to expand... Oh.. and uh, DDD gets a C-. EDIT: not contradictory... but eh... damn my non-anglican upbringing.
Jun 4, 2005 #1,394 B Brahmin Still Mildly Glowing Good point. You are right, it should have been silly and fun. I'm increasing my score for you to 8/10 (+ for noticing my mistake .) Edit: DDD gets 7/10 nice and fallouty.
Good point. You are right, it should have been silly and fun. I'm increasing my score for you to 8/10 (+ for noticing my mistake .) Edit: DDD gets 7/10 nice and fallouty.
Jun 4, 2005 #1,395 Dragonetti Water Chip? Been There, Done That Mmmm...Brahmin. Sadly I loved the brahmin in FO, so only 9/10 for mutilating one. Bad Brahmin.
Jun 4, 2005 #1,396 M Mikey Half-way Through My Half-life Orderite Meh. I've seen better looking pictures of Margaret Thatcher! 3/10
Jun 4, 2005 #1,397 B Brahmin Still Mildly Glowing Power armour on a british flag, unoriginal, but good. 8/10
Jun 4, 2005 #1,399 H Hovercar Madness Still Mildly Glowing I fail to see what a woman with magical udder breasts has to do with Jesus. Let alone Jebus. Zero/1
Jun 4, 2005 #1,400 D DirtyDreamDesigner Venerable Relic of the Wastes Moderator Hovercar Madness said: I fail to see what a woman with magical udder breasts has to do with Jesus. Let alone Jebus. Click to expand... He's in a "phase"... Don't ask. Anyways: Garlic bread 3.5/10
Hovercar Madness said: I fail to see what a woman with magical udder breasts has to do with Jesus. Let alone Jebus. Click to expand... He's in a "phase"... Don't ask. Anyways: Garlic bread 3.5/10