Rate the avatar above yours.

6. the fact that it is a nuke-symbol makes it cool, but it really is a shitty nuke symbol, it also doesn't fit your name :D :wink:
I'll find you a Brahmin to have as your av :wink:

It's the Khans, so it's okay, but it is a bit... how should I put it... grey and unclear.
7/10 Its ok, but theres nothing special about it.

Kahgan said:
6. the fact that it is a nuke-symbol makes it cool, but it really is a shitty nuke symbol, it also doesn't fit your name :D :wink:
I'll find you a Brahmin to have as your av :wink:

My photoshop skills suck (must be the 3rd time I've said this :P) and cheers for lookin for a Brahmin pic, but don't worry about it, I'll use one from the game, I have a nice idea for a new avatar.
Average: 5

Nice sprite: ++
Crappy background: - -
Crappy font: -
Crappy cropping: -


I must say Wooz big fan of your work, but since I don't know what it says (because I'm a dumb American) I'll dock one point.
That one is kinda odd.. Er... 4/10

Wooz said:
Average: 5

Nice sprite: ++
Crappy background: - -
Crappy font: -
Crappy cropping: -


Thats a nice way of doing it, helps me see where I am going wrong. Cheers, I can use this to my advantage. I'm going to do a bit of work on it.
4 for sucking (no offence). If I felt obligated for some reason to have a dying brahmin as my av, I'd just have one with a transparant background instead of a crappy one.
2 out of 10 because

a) MSPaint am sucq
b) Brahmin's avatar is okay, I especially like the "Brahmin" button. When you push it, a dead brahmin falls from the sky!
Did you even play the Elissar-is-Black game? :( Regardless, Ms Paint rules all.

5/10 -6 for insulting Buba = -1.