Rate the avatar above yours.

Where is it from?

2/10, I have a dislike of Marvel comics

How dare you! He is the coolest character ever! You are a disgrace
Meh... I think Riddick overstayed his welcome after Pitch Black.

He was still a part of a decent movie licensed game though so: Decent movie licensed game/10.
Badass. I hated those things when I was a kid they were annoying as fuck.
Really? even as a kid I don't remember a doom enemy that really annoyed me. The pain elemental came close But that's my second favorite demon from the original. The arch-vile still scares me to this day. So if there's a demon I hate its the arch-vile.

Anyways... 8/10
Really? even as a kid I don't remember a doom enemy that really annoyed me. The pain elemental came close But that's my second favorite demon from the original. The arch-vile still scares me to this day. So if there's a demon I hate its the arch-vile.

Anyways... 8/10
looks like a strawberry

Doomguy little snack/10