Jan 9, 2017 #15,221 Jogre So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs Finally, your profile pic is a fish. 10/10
Jan 9, 2017 #15,222 Wardened First time out of the vault Sigh, I need to finish Pillars, I was very intrigued by what was going on with him. Obsidian medal of awesomeness for you!
Sigh, I need to finish Pillars, I was very intrigued by what was going on with him. Obsidian medal of awesomeness for you!
Jan 9, 2017 #15,223 Supreme Shah Ismail Where'd That 6th Toe Come From? One of my least favorite characters from Pillars/10 Edit: Marble bust of bearded dude/10
Jan 9, 2017 #15,224 A alec White heterosexual male Orderite @Wardened: Is that Hercules? 8.3/10 @Supreme Shah Ismail: Looks like a terrorist. 0/10
Jan 10, 2017 #15,226 Prone Squanderer A bit of a Sillius Soddus. No clue what exactly it is but it's fucking cool. 9/10
Jan 10, 2017 #15,228 AlphaSlayerZX Deadpan Huh, well your profile picture finally matches your username. 10/10
Jan 10, 2017 #15,229 Supreme Shah Ismail Where'd That 6th Toe Come From? cool looking Red man/10 (do not understand reference)
Jan 10, 2017 #15,230 Prone Squanderer A bit of a Sillius Soddus. Big basket on head/10 Actual ratings are old-fashioned now apparently.
Jan 11, 2017 #15,232 Mr Fish Slippy sloppy, The I've never wanted to peg a pretty boy as badly as I wanted to with that elf you got JO.
Jan 11, 2017 #15,234 Mr Fish Slippy sloppy, The eissa said: lack of slimy touch 5/10 Click to expand... It's that much of a turn-off, huh? Anyway, I don't much care for yours tbh. It just seems like an odd choice for an avatar. Too far zoomed out.
eissa said: lack of slimy touch 5/10 Click to expand... It's that much of a turn-off, huh? Anyway, I don't much care for yours tbh. It just seems like an odd choice for an avatar. Too far zoomed out.
Jan 11, 2017 #15,235 Supreme Shah Ismail Where'd That 6th Toe Come From? Fish man with thicc lips 10/10
Jan 15, 2017 #15,238 Atomkilla Hazel Hegemon oTO Orderite Who is that and where's she from? Looks familiar. 7/10 Would probably be more if I knew who that was.
Who is that and where's she from? Looks familiar. 7/10 Would probably be more if I knew who that was.
Jan 16, 2017 #15,239 R.Graves Confirmed Retard 10/10 its the cute autistic girl from the breakfast club. I tried to find an avatar with a similar facial expression to my old randal one.
10/10 its the cute autistic girl from the breakfast club. I tried to find an avatar with a similar facial expression to my old randal one.