Rate the avatar above yours.

10/10 because that is my new favorite band

The Raging Russian said:

I don't know what it is but it looks very neat.

It is the face of Eileen Galvin, from Silent Hill 4. I violated her face because she looked like my ex-girlfriend(who is a lying bitch{and a closet lesbian})
Hahah... let me guess... are you German?

Garotos Podres is highly acclaimed among German punks and skinheads.

I have all of their CDs! :D

BTW, 9/10
Nope, I'm from the land of usa. I just think these guys are awesome. Killer drummer, powerful sounding singer, songs that make me want to get up and hit things with a lead pipe.

I just took a picture of myself in dark lighting and used the predator filter in gimp. Turned out pretty decent.

And your avatar looks like a bagel or something (with tiny heads in the center no less) so 8/10
Determined and intelligent, but still strong enough to kick your ass despite his age, looking kind of guy.

I like.

Hm, scary clown jester thing. Let's go with... 7/10 I suppose.

And the really tragic thing about my avatar is that I still haven't played System Shock to since I have no money. I think I might... uh, "acquire" it sometime soon but I'd rather get a legit copy if I can afford it.