Ravaged — a post apocalyptic online multiplayer FPS


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Good news for those who care about multiplayer post apocalyptic shooters. 2 Dawn Games is developing one at the moment.
<blockquote>Ravaged is a first person shooter online multiplayer game set upon a post-apocalyptic earth devastated by natural disasters caused by the sun's solar flares. It chronicles the struggle between the “Resistance” and the “Scavengers” as they fight one another in order to gain an upper hand in an ongoing war for survival, territory and resources.

In general, the Scavengers are an outnumbering, oppressive, murdering group of lawless criminals that wish to claim all land and resources for themselves. They will stop at nothing in order to accomplish their goal.

The Resistance is a group of resistance fighters hell bent on restoring civilization. These civilians were able to seek shelter as the world succumbed to natural disasters during the year 2012, taking with them precious goods and weapons while the criminals and less fortunate lived off the land.</blockquote>
The website features some renders and concept-art showing the characters, vehicles and a map with a cute Statue of Liberty's head rolling in the sand.

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There's also a developer diary video.

Not much else is shown, but you can already pre-order the game for 25 bucks. Oh wow.
Really generic concept. The graphics aren't really top-notch either.

Hopefully the final game will turn out better than this.
*cough* indiegame...

And I'd like to know where you read about the concept of the game, I want to see what's so generic about it.
...set upon a post-apocalyptic earth devastated by natural disasters caused by the sun's solar flares.

Right. Cold War is over, so now it's time for something more modern - ecology disaster.

...natural disasters during the year 2012...

I don't really have to explain this. It's just 11 months until December!

...the struggle between the “Resistance” and the “Scavengers” as they fight one another in order to gain an upper hand in an ongoing war for survival, territory and resources.

...the Scavengers are an outnumbering, oppressive, murdering group of lawless criminals...

The Resistance is a group of resistance fighters hell bent on restoring civilization.

Let's switch out the names, but keep the purpose. Why spend days trying to make something more original?

...a cute Statue of Liberty's head rolling in the sand.

Why not use this? Reintroduce something that's been going on only few years back like crazy!
Let's also add in Mad Max, Death Race style cars that everyone loves. Is automatically post-apocalyptic.

There's nothing new in this. The fact that it's a third-person driver, and a first-person shooter. Recycled content, no creativity. How does this make the game valuable, considering it's an indie title?
Looks like a combination of RAGE, FUEL and even Powerslide (which I loved). This currently looks way to generic, bland and characterless to interest me.

Unless things change drastically in the final version and the developers refrain from using modern popamole mechanics and include a decent SP campaign with a solid story I will definitely not play this.
Sub-Human said:
There's nothing new in this. The fact that it's a third-person driver, and a first-person shooter. Recycled content, no creativity. How does this make the game valuable, considering it's an indie title?

You judge a game just by its setting, not a single second by its gameplay?

I can't think of any postapo first person MP shooters to be honest. ;)
Kradath said:
Sub-Human said:
There's nothing new in this. The fact that it's a third-person driver, and a first-person shooter. Recycled content, no creativity. How does this make the game valuable, considering it's an indie title?

You judge a game just by its setting, not a single second by its gameplay?

I can't think of any postapo first person MP shooters to be honest. ;)
Gameplay - you go around shooting your enemies, from two totally generic factions, drive clunky vehicles and do stunts. Battlefield, huh? Something like this.

Also, a setting is extremely important to a game. Most of the games I play purely for concept - i.e. to see other people's ideas, evaluate them, think of how I would have interpreted these thoughts - same reason I read books, and watch some movies. Gameplay is boring - if you play hours upon hours of first person shooters, strategy games, RPGs - you name it - nothing is nearly as unique anymore.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
I'm curious how Liberty Island became a desert that quickly, or why someone shipped the Statue of Liberty head to the Mohave.
It's there for the coolness, pal. Like Bethesda's adventure park. Let's put all the cool-looking things from post-apocalyptic concept together to make a game and sell it! I mean seriously, how can someone not draw the head of the Statue of Liberty if they want to make a PA game? It's just so symbolic.

Look at some of that concept of the maps. A half-torn bridge (hmmm... wonder how radiation can destroy things), a ship deep in sand (the river evaporated so fast the ship didn't have enough time to go to a port), also there's lots of concrete material and scrap metal, sprewn throughout the whole desert - obviously someone managed to leave their belongings behind before getting burnt or irradiated.

Once again, there's no creativity in this project, it's just a lesser version of Fallout 3, but made by the less clever indies.
Kradath said:
I can't think of any postapo first person MP shooters to be honest. ;)

Then you must not have heard of Nuclear Dawn. A PA FPS multiplayer shooter. Except, it goes the extra mile and adds in a RTS element that really resembles Renegade's base building. I can't comment on it's quality, but I'm just pointing out that this isn't an exactly original idea.
I know that one, but it got a totally different atmosphere, more cyberpunk than desertpunk. It also has no vehicles (yet).

The basebuilding aspect is okay, but has no chance against Natural Selection.
Never heard of Natural Selection. Might have to check it out since I loved Renegade and I'd always love to check out more of those style of games.
Hm.. "first person shooter online multiplayer" I guess it might be for those that think Fallen Earth isn't quite shooter enough and too much anything else.

I just note that the driver ram into a concrete pibe at high speed and just bounce back.. Would have been cool with some explosion and the player on fire.. or at least some damage and head injury.

Well, it actually reads "Ravaged - Post Apocalyptic Vehicular FPS".

I guess it might actually be fun to drive around with your team or friends in a car like the Resistance Jeep or the Hotrod shooting at everybody.
Great job finding this 13pm.

It looks generic, but we can just track it over time to see how it changes.

The Vault Dweller
Yawn. Fallen famous monuments, evil raiders, omnipresent Mad-Max like scenery, post-apocalyptic seemingly cannot seem to be original anymore. Gameplay doesn't seem like anything special, either.
Out of curiosity, what kind of PA settings would people like to see that have not been done yet or barely been done.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Out of curiosity, what kind of PA settings would people like to see that have not been done yet or barely been done.
The Road (I think it's called), the movie, had some nice post-apoc trees and winter.

Also, Atlantis counts as post-apoc (BioShock kind of is), there's plenty to go around in there.

Also, my own little project Wendigo, medieval-with-guns/modern-without-electricity-or-petrolium post-apoc, though my own take on the subject is kind of more pre/mid-apoc...

And then you can play around with scope. There's always plenty of room if you think instead of shit. The solution to all problems: make the gameworld smaller. Plenty of fictions are set in the current world and yet have very medieval/sci-fi/apoc feels to them.