Ready for another Adventure


Herr Nordic Lost in Amerikat

I do believe it is time to play New Vegas again. The last time I played was before I upgraded my PC and changed CPU, GPU, storage and motherboard, which unfortunately bricked the save. My only other Fallout exposure has been when I played Fallout One with the FIXT-mod and a lot of Hearts of Iron 4: Old World Blues. The latter reignited my interest in the series as Fallout 4 and 76 have been disasters, 4 I only finished once back when the game was released, and 76 I avoided like the plague until the free weekend, which didn't impress.
Any particular paths that I should explore? Mods? Haven't even decided what I should play as.:boy:

Old ass image I found which i took back in 2012. Captioned it "derps", funniest shit ever.:roffle:
Strictly unarmed is always fun if you're looking for a challenge. Don't have a pc so I can't recommend any mods except JSawyer mod which I've read is excellent.
Have you started playing yet? Impressive amount of time spent with the game. I have only played for 210 hours.
I started an unmodded game, but I overestimated how buggy it would be. So I shelved the game and continued with Pillars of Eternity 1 and Stalker 2.
Ok! Good alternatives.

Viva New Vegas has worked great for me however the optimization part of it is not fun.
Huh! Never heard of that. Thanks for the advice. I need to clear my yuge backlog of games.
Sounds like a plan! I completed PoE when it released. Then I started another playthrough just before the release of the sequel in order to complete the White March DLC. But when I arrived there I lost the interest even though that's supposed to be the best content of the game... But I will have to resume that someday.
Sounds like a plan! I completed PoE when it released. Then I started another playthrough just before the release of the sequel in order to complete the White March DLC. But when I arrived there I lost the interest even though that's supposed to be the best content of the game... But I will have to resume that someday.
I've hit a bit of a wall, discovered the big city in the middle and I'm travelling east to some town or hamlet. Can't remember. Just as you said, need to hold out.
I started an unmodded game, but I overestimated how buggy it would be.
Did you played on PC? Because my latest playthrough was on PC and that was unmodded and i barely ran into bugs. Just an handful of crashes in like 250 hours.

Maybe i need to replay the game.
Did you played on PC? Because my latest playthrough was on PC and that was unmodded and i barely ran into bugs. Just an handful of crashes in like 250 hours.

Maybe i need to replay the game.
Maybe I was just unlucky then, I usually avoid most of them. But this one was nasty! Crashes, corrupted saves and jank.
Now i need to really replay the game to see if i get any of that. I expect crashes, but corrupted saves sounds ridiculous.
I need to replay PoE1. My party ran into an insurmountable standstill. There is a tangled bramble & thorn wall on the lower levels that allows you to slip through, but you find out that it's only one way. Well... after that I went down the stairs that are at the other side of the wall, and there are no camping supplies for the next three levels, all of which are populated with overpowering foes, and my party has no spells, less than 3 hitpoints each, and no camping supplies.

The problem: Back at the stairs is a major battle at the bramble wall if you try to walk around it. It being one way, you cannot slip out the way you came in. Full party wipe every time.

The insult: One of the levels below is full of non hostile NPCs, and plenty of safe space to rest—but POE prohibits resting without a campfire; IMO it's absurd.
Good times! That mega-dungeon is pretty exciting even though it got annoying to fight all those beatles down there. What a slog.
I fell down a sacrificial hole and found myself against a drake, or was it an adolescent dragon? Either way, my party didn't stande a chance and was turned into roasted minced meat.
And please, keep it light on spoilers, I've only completed act 1.
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I finally made it to Dyrwood Village after messing around with the Knights in Defiance Bay, from what I read online I can't progress too much or the White March won't be accessible. As I don't yet the own the DLC (waiting for a sale).