Realistic Arroyo Mod


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Human Shield has created a mod to make Arroyo better fit the Fallout Universe. He has further plans to revamp all of Fallout 2, and would like to hear your advice.

<blockquote>I made this simple mod for Fallout 2. Download and extract to Fallout 2 folder.

It replaces the temple of trails with a short path, provides a reason for the crops failing, changes most of the dialogue. The village knows about technology (they have been trading), only the Elder and Shaman talk of holy quests and Chosen Ones. The GECK will save the village and that is what matters. Arroyo is a small, isolated shady sands type place now; not a group of primitives then filled a temple with traps and has a town full of guns close by.

I'd like you guys to try it out. I would've liked Fallout 2 being remade to solidify the setting, but I guess I'd have to do it myself. It will mostly be rewriting dialogue, I would spent a lot of time looking up functions and working the mapper to create new things is annoying, so help would be nice.

Future plans:
Limit Easter Eggs.
Reduce talking Death Claws to primitive group with only one leader, few able to parrot words and point to things.
Remove Hublogists.
Fix New Reno to trading center with rival groups, not prohibition-gangster/"OMG drugz and whorez" town.
Overhaul San Francisco, no more Kung-Fu town with scientists and advanced weapons; probably the most changes.
Remove force fields and advanced tech from NCR.
Take out easy loot from Navarro base, try to improve balance.
Do something with Redding.
Change real-world weapons.
Would like to find a way to replace gold coins with caps (have HUB influence).
Maybe change Vault City, and make it the only advanced place.</blockquote>You can download the mod here and comment on this thread.

Good luck on your full project Human Shield, for the present, the Realistic Arroyo mod sounds good.
Sounds really cool, I'll definately give it a whirl when I have some free time. Thanks for the hard work man. The change to the Temple of Trials is just a GOD SEND.
PsychoSniper said:
I like most of this.

As long as he keeps the P90 :P

I assume that you don't want the P90, but want a gun which works the way the P90 does in the game -- or are you just a gun nut who's got a crush on H&K?

Anyway. Yay for this guy, the mod is a great idea.
As soon as I get some free time on my hands, I'll try the mod. Sounds good so far.
I'd prefer the P90 to be fixed to have a somewhat realistic setting (accurate mag capacity, 50 roudns. And a 5 round burst setting, to accuratly represent a controld use of autofire.)

Oh, and the P90 is made my FN herstichal, not H&K.

Also, ontopic, it could be a bug on my system but the exit grid in the begining map doesnt work.
Remove the Hubologists? Please don't, to this day I still smile at the barely veiled insult to the cult of scientology.
After all changes it would look interesting.
But I don't like 2 things. removing Hubologists is one of them. Sure they could be tonned down but why to remove ?
Next is taking out easy loot from Navarro. Well, it's only easy when player know exactly what to do ... but so do whole game. It's kind of reward to one who figured out how to move unnoticed and even greater reward if it was first attempt and with no walkthrough or somesuch.
Finaly I'd like to know what that "something" regarding Redding means.
Ok update. It was my system not the mod. If you dont rename the patch, then it'll be buggy (such as exit grids not working.)
I love Human Shield now, one for making a mod without producing loads of needless hype and two for actually creating a useful mod. I just wish more modders would follow this trend.
But I don't like 2 things. removing Hubologists is one of them. Sure they could be tonned down but why to remove ?
Next is taking out easy loot from Navarro. Well, it's only easy when player know exactly what to do ... but so do whole game. It's kind of reward to one who figured out how to move unnoticed and even greater reward if it was first attempt and with no walkthrough or somesuch.
These kind of mods ar intended for people who play the game for..I dunno, 15th-20th time so there's really no challange to get that loot and I never felt ''rewarded'' or something, I just felt like dirty stinker. IMHO it's too easy to explore stright to Navarro from very beginning and get a powe armor so it's a good change. An as I remember there was nothing to figure out to move unnoticed there. You just had to move:).
Ashmo said:
I assume that you don't want the P90, but want a gun which works the way the P90 does in the game -- or are you just a gun nut who's got a crush on H&K?

PsychoSniper said:
I'd prefer the P90 to be fixed to have a somewhat realistic setting (accurate mag capacity, 50 roudns. And a 5 round burst setting, to accuratly represent a controld use of autofire.)

Oh, and the P90 is made my FN herstichal, not H&K.

it's FN "Herstal" (it's a city, maybe not even a city really...)

and fyi: FN simply stands for fabrique national (national factory, yup, those belgezsch are very imaginative when it comes to naming a state owned bizznezz). the american counterpart is called FN Manufacturing (& it's a subsidiary to FN Herstal)

on a sidenote: an accurate depiction of a P90 in a game will never happen... it's supposed to pass through 6 layers of kevlar, firing very special ammo you wouldnt find anywhere anyway and stuff like that.

now back on topic:
dont think all your mod ideas are good ones... New Reno is ok as it is in my book. why remove forcefields and tech from NCR ? they re supposed to be the capital of a small empire...
SuAside's right about NCR. Theyre the top of civilization in the wastes, and have help from the BoS to a point. Makes sense to have a few laser gates (they dont appear to be true forcefeilds, so they must be something else.)
i wouldn't really say "top of the civilization" but advanced enough anyway... but they are supposed to regroup a whole lot of settlements. a capital has to be protected, and an old bus rollen in front of a hole in the wall doesnt really seem fitting as the entrance to a capital...

power is money, money is technology.
One of these days I'll give the mod a run through. Sounds like some of the ideas need to be debated some to get a general consensus on what to change.
Better version. Explains some more stuff. Download here or at NMA if they ever end up hosting the file.

FO2 Setting Improvement v2

Trys to alter FO2 to come more in line with Fallout 1's setting.

-----------------Current Changes:

Replaces gold coins with beautiful, beautiful caps.

Changes some silly Easter Eggs, now more useful.

Replaces Temple of Trials with short path.

Lots of new Arroyo dialogue, better reason for getting GECK.

Altered Arroyo maps.

New Navarro dialogue.

Enclave in NAVARRO no longer hands out plasma rifle and Adv. Power Armor to new recruits (great policy guys). Now they hand out yellow key pass for uniform. Enclave in Navarro now have less adv. Power Armor to hand around to guards.

NO MORE SUPER DEATHCLAWS! Never again hear this out of mouths of Fallout 1's savage killers:

"I have spent many sleepless nights, deep in thought, pondering just such issues. I have finally come to the conclusion that the burdens and responsibilities associated with the gift of intelligence are countless. There are only two choices available to any thinking being. Either accept life as it comes and make the best of it for yourself and others, or simply cease to be. I have chosen to accept the challenges of life. If this makes me a threat to humankind, then I pity the small mind that finds it so..."

The Enclave experiments were failures, no one can alter their animal instinct to survive. They won't attack you as long as you don't threaten their survival. Goris can still join.



Extract using folder names to your Fallout 2 folder.

Rename PATCH000.dat to something else or mod mite not work.

Tried changing mod to a .DAT file and running with Modrunner but first map change would cause crash, let me know if anyone can get it to work.
I think only real world Gun fanatics care about so called "fixing" the P90c in Fallout 2, or adding more real world weapons into Fallout for that matter.

Why did H&K produce the p90c in the Fallout Universe? Who the hell knows, but as far as I am concerned it's canon.
Human Shield said:
-----------------Current Changes:

Replaces gold coins with beautiful, beautiful caps.

Just curious, does it remove that fortune in bottle caps in Broken Hills? If I recall, it was a helluva lot of caps. Don't remember if it was anything game-breaking, though.
The ten thousand bottlecaps in Broken Hills were a single item, ie, they were an item labelled as a bag with caps, not actually caps.