Much as I despise the Bethesda attempt(s) at Fallout sequels, there are games that I would like to see made by Bethesda; Lands of Lore 4 for one, and a TES style RIFTS RPG, based on the Palladium Books IP.
*No... it's not backhanded praise

... I am serious about it. I do think that they could do both series justice; justice that neither has had. Lands of Lore seems a perfect fit for their design ethos, and RIFTS RPG needs a perfect blend of FO4 and Morrowind to work [IMO].
FO3 was an exercise in damaging —ruinous— experimentation... to see if they could re-make Oblivion in the Fallout IP setting. And it worked [for them]... They succeeded and profited handsomely by it, and at our expense & perpetual enmity for it. But I would buy a
[day one] retail copy of Rifts, and Lands of Lore from them. I think it would very likely deliver everything that I would want and expect from it.
I don't hate Bethesda, just some of their callous—and very calculated actions. They would never make a proper Fallout game, because the sale margins are too low for them to invest in it.
Interplay should have known this; and I place the entire blame on them, for this fiasco.