Okay, good news, the maps at least for this demo are now complete, with the doors now having a big "101" on them instead of a "13." Now I can start bringing the maps to life with the appropriate critters.
The bad news: since none of the vault jumpsuit wearing critters have the big "101" on there back as well, I'm going to have to go through the process of changing ALL of the images showing the backs of ALL the animated FRMs that go with ALL the v13 jumpsuit wearing critters - and maybe even using some of the V.C. citizen critters, just to add some variety to the skin and hair color to the v101 residents - just so their appearances go with those said doors. Considering the only way I could do this right now would be to open the needed FRMs with the Frame Animator, save project, use GIMP to edit every single bitmap showing the backs of the critters, open Frame Animator again, create FRM, save over previous FRM versions, and just HOPE that all that work didn't screw up the animations . . . well, I'm obviously NOT going to do that! I could just tell myself that only about 1/3 of all the bitmaps for the project files would be the only ones showing the backs and, thus, would be the only ones that need changing, but I wouldn't exactly be fooling myself, would I?
To sum it up, I need a better alternative. Looking at many of the critters, they appeared (and I'm just guessing here) to have originally been created in some sort of 3D program and the creators just moved the models around and took photos at different angles. If that is the case, is there some sort of 3D program that comes with those models, and also preferably coming with a pre-made script where the program does all of the model moving, picture taking, and compiling to create the animated FRM files that the user would normally have to do on their own (otherwise, if I try to do it manually, the end results would probably end up looking like something that those animators for the Monty Python shows would make if they got drunk one day, since my skills with 3D programs are so poor that I pretty much have no skills what-so-ever), and I can download it for free from a reliable website - oh, and it needs to be able to run on a Windows XP.
. . .
Crap! I was typing alot of long sentences just now, wasn't I? Probably because I was listening to Zero Punctuation episodes while I was typing this.