Recreating Fallout 3

Thanks for the codes Lexx. I know that there are preexisting macros and scripts that I can look at. Believe me, I have been using them. Is just that, there's so many of them.

You all have been a great help, oh wise elders. :lol:
Actually, if it doesn't trouble any of you, could I e-mail any of you everything that I have so far (in terms of changes, missions, critters, and just about everything else from the beginning of the introduction to the moment when you first step outside)? I could post it on here, but that may be alot of information for a forum I think. I would greatly desire any feedback before I start the task of creating the scripts for them. Don't want to create all of those scripts just to have to change them.

Also, I have the Frame Animator like you suggested lisac2k, but now I can't find all of the FRM files, particularly the ones I need to open and edit. Are the settings on the program wrong? Do I have to download yet another thing for it?
My apologies, but I couldn't help you with your concept any time soon due to shortage of free time.

You will have to unpack two DAT files from your Fallout 2 CD (or digital version), namely critter.dat and master.dat. There are all resources concerning graphics, sounds, dialogs etc. Even the compiled scripts are in there, but at one point you'll probably try to replace them with (or simply add to them) your scripts. You can also unpack patch000.dat which can be found after installing the latest official Fallout 2 patch (1.02d).

All unpacked stuff, when put in your game directory with its structure from DAT file(s), will have priority over the stuff packed in master.dat and critter.dat. Thought it would be good for you to hear about it once already.
I just had an idea for a random encounter for this project. I know that I'm getting ahead of myself here, but I just want to share this for a moment.

You come across a small, scattered group of cars in various states of disrepair. You decide to look for anything that could be salvageable among the wreckage. If you have a Perception of at least 4, you noticed the car in the middle of the group appears to be in surprisingly good condition, almost drive-able, and you want to investigate. When you approached said car, you suddenly feel light headed and faint. When you wake up, everything around you is gone. If you had any companions, they are gone. All that remains is the said car with a robed man - or you think it's a man - and a dog standing next by. The robed man greets you by name, saying he's been wanting to talk to you. (What he says exactly, I haven't decided yet) You faint again, now to wake up on the ground with everything back to normal, except now there is a dog standing next to you. If you have any companions, whom have reappeared again, one of them would mention that the dog came out of the trunk of the car.

Oh, and if you were to investigate the car afterwards, you realize it doesn't work, probably missing something.

You only have this encounter once, so don't think you can come back for the car.
Okay, I can't seem to find any instructions anywhere on how to do this so I'm going to have to ask everyone here yet another question.

Right now, I'm attempting at creating the different types of doors for vault 101, namely the big one. I figured that I could open the image files for the doors for vault 13 using the Frame Animator, extract the individual images used for the animations, convert them with the FRMCON, change there appearance with GIMP,convert them back to FRM, bring them back all together with the Frame Animator, and the doors will now say "101" instead of "13."

Unfortunately, after selecting one of the frames using the Frame Animator, using the "create FRM" function and saving the new FRM file, and attempt to open said file with the FRMCON, all I get is some sort-of "I/O error" message.

I know I've seen this problem mentioned somewhere here on this website before I had this problem, but I can't find it anywhere.

Copy those "original" files into a folder - get the Frame Animator to save the project again (it will save the project file and BMP image files), then reload the project. Now copy the "original" files over the top of the project files (BMP Images) - make sure they have the same names, then reload the project.

Another issue people face is when they load a batch of images and one file wont load - the solution is to open that particular image file and expand it's boundary by 1 pixel on all sides (it will work with just the sides, but...), make sure its the B255 background "blue" color.
Okay, good news, the maps at least for this demo are now complete, with the doors now having a big "101" on them instead of a "13." Now I can start bringing the maps to life with the appropriate critters.

The bad news: since none of the vault jumpsuit wearing critters have the big "101" on there back as well, I'm going to have to go through the process of changing ALL of the images showing the backs of ALL the animated FRMs that go with ALL the v13 jumpsuit wearing critters - and maybe even using some of the V.C. citizen critters, just to add some variety to the skin and hair color to the v101 residents - just so their appearances go with those said doors. Considering the only way I could do this right now would be to open the needed FRMs with the Frame Animator, save project, use GIMP to edit every single bitmap showing the backs of the critters, open Frame Animator again, create FRM, save over previous FRM versions, and just HOPE that all that work didn't screw up the animations . . . well, I'm obviously NOT going to do that! I could just tell myself that only about 1/3 of all the bitmaps for the project files would be the only ones showing the backs and, thus, would be the only ones that need changing, but I wouldn't exactly be fooling myself, would I?

To sum it up, I need a better alternative. Looking at many of the critters, they appeared (and I'm just guessing here) to have originally been created in some sort of 3D program and the creators just moved the models around and took photos at different angles. If that is the case, is there some sort of 3D program that comes with those models, and also preferably coming with a pre-made script where the program does all of the model moving, picture taking, and compiling to create the animated FRM files that the user would normally have to do on their own (otherwise, if I try to do it manually, the end results would probably end up looking like something that those animators for the Monty Python shows would make if they got drunk one day, since my skills with 3D programs are so poor that I pretty much have no skills what-so-ever), and I can download it for free from a reliable website - oh, and it needs to be able to run on a Windows XP.

. . .

Crap! I was typing alot of long sentences just now, wasn't I? Probably because I was listening to Zero Punctuation episodes while I was typing this.
The most practical thing, in regards to the vault dwellers, if you wish to keep the original look of the game, is to individually edit every affected critter. At least the VD has a few of 'numberless' animations already - punch, knife and pistol...that leaves spear, hammer, club, SMG, rifle, big gun, mini gun, and rocket launcher - probably about 2000+ individual frames. A typical 'all weapon' critter has about 6500 frames.

I plan to finish this project one day, but each frame will require individual pixel touch-up, otherwise it will look shit. Color replacement will not work on a project like this. Of course when its done you can easily change the VD into any color you desire - dark gray looks very cool.

Any pictures of your Vault 101 door Mr. 1010101.
There exists already a numberless VD for every animation. Was done for FOnline long time ago. Only female VD without number is still missing all animations.
Lexx said:
There exists already a numberless VD for every animation. Was done for FOnline long time ago. Only female VD without number is still missing all animations.

Where is it... :P
Download the TLA client, it should be in one of the *.dat files.
.Pixote. said:
Any pictures of your Vault 101 door Mr. 1010101.
Graphic sluts, the man comes around talking about his mod and you promptly ask him for graphics... :P

Actually, I'd like to see them doors as well (since I can't beat the graphics sluts, I have to join them), you can post them in the screenshots or scenery threads. Just beware of the Czech Lizzard, the great content thief asking for permissions! (now I must add two of those :P :P )

On a more serious note, glad to see your mod being growing.
It has been too long. :(

I am sorry for the sudden silence I put on you guys. Shortly after the last post, things over here have gotten a little bit depressing and ... I just stopped. I wasn't able to get motivated again since then until recently, and I rather not talk about it right now. The point is I have started to get a little bit more encouraged lately so I'm going to try start getting back into the swing of things again. Chances are you probably will not even know that I just put up a new reply after all this time ... probably have moved on to other posts ... but I just want to at least put out there that: while I'm not going to start something again right now, something new or already started running, I am putting them back on my things-to-do list. Again, I'm sorry for sudden long silence. I hope that, for those you have given me some of your attention back then, you'll at least understand.
Mr. 1010101 said:
It has been too long.
No worries, mate!

I just read this thread for the first time, but I doubt anyone will have any ill will. It happens all the time that people come and go -- usually go, usually after they find out how much work modding really is. :)

As long as you continue to present yourself as a thoughtful and mature poster, no one is going to rip on you for asking questions. And it doesn't hurt your rep that you said you liked Bethesda's Fallout less after playing the first two. :clap:
Before I continue with this tread, I would like to make a few quick side notes about some other non-fallout things I've been attempting to get started on for a while now. I'll probably start a new forum here for this, but for now I'll mention it here just to get it started.

To put it shortly, I've been juggling a few game projects for several years now and I've recently been getting this itch to just start on one of these things. It'll be small scale for now, like for the iPhone or something, but I don't think think I could do it on my own. For example: I'm more of a designer, so, while I do have experience with programming, someone who is more skilled as a programmer is welcome. Another example: I would like to have soundtrack for these currently hypothetical games, so anyone that is good with making game music and is willing to help would be fantastic. For the most part, I'm sure all of you can figure out what I'm trying to ask for (possibly better than me) so if there is anyone who would be kind enough to help out, if that would be providing skills, directing my attention to better places to find help, or just some helpful tips, pleeeeeeease post. Again, I'll probably start a different forum here for this as well as new ones at other possible websites. I still attend to work on this project while I can, but it's not exactly on the top of my things-to-do list.

Besides, there are plenty of stuff for Fallout here already, while all that my stuff has is some notes and drawing in a couple of sketchbooks. I'm not asking for popularity, I just want to start getting it out.
Another setback. The stupid XP will not work all of a sudden. This might take awhile to fix. uuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrggggg...
Okay, while I'm still working on the XP, I did make a quick little world map for this little recreation. I hope it gives an idea as to what I'm trying to picture here.

lisac2k said:
About the map size, search for the Fallout 1/2 worldmap images, then compare it to the google maps or something. The worldmap can be smaller as well, it all turns down to cities/locations in the end.

I realize I'm a year late with this, but I asked someone to do just that, and got a very helpful response:


Fallout 1: One grid side is about 12 mi/19 km.
Fallout 2: One grid side is 26-30 mi/~50 km.

Give thanks to Formerk for me.
Why didn't anyone tell me the modding tools could work on the win7? I'm working my butt off trying to get the XP working, thinking the programs won't work for a 7 and yet when I try to load it up here it works with no fuss at all.