Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Bal-Sagoth said:That was one of (IGNS?) top predictions for 2009. That Sony will sometime in the 2nd-4th quarter release an emulator type update or something along those lines.
It was IGN or another website like that. It was just a list of predictions they thought each console would go for this year. I will try to find the article again.
BC never really bothers me because I keep my PS2 out. It is pretty amazing that thing still works perfectly.
Sooo, it's still a possibility?
I have a PS2 and it's little by little on its way out. I don't want to buy another one and a PS3, I don't even have space for that. I'd like to retire it for a BC PS3. PS2 still has so many good games that I haven't played and others that I'd like to play again.