Regarding the weapons and ammunition of the wasteland?


First time out of the vault
In Fallout New Vegas there was an explanation for how the mass amounts of ammunition and weapons are manufactured in the Mojave (gun runners, Van Graffs, Crimson Caravan, etc.) but not in the Capitol Wasteland. Where else does the DC chapter of the BOS find their weapons and ammunition besides pre-war tech? same with the Enclave?
Don't think about it. Fallout 3 has so many logic holes, you can only fill them with imagining things. Pretending that there are dudes somewhere sitting around, manufacturing weapons and ammo is the only way out.
I don't know, Alice McLafferty from the Crimson Caravan gives you an entire history and explanation behind the bottle cap currency and economy....but they can't tell you why you'll find thousands of microfusion cells lying around downtown DC?
Well, one game is made by Obsidian, the other one by Bethesda. Now guess which one has designed the least world details.
EnclaveSigmaCA said:
Where else does the DC chapter of the BOS find their weapons and ammunition besides pre-war tech? same with the Enclave?

Officially the DC BoS found an humongous amount of weaponry in the sub levels of the Pentagon, enough "to keep Lyons’ forces going indefinitely". Of course.

Interestingly I don't think this was never mentioned or hinted in the game, you had to read the Beth FO3 site.

The Enclave...well, easier to explain considering that Raven Rock is a military base (even though supposedly it was just a fallout shelter). So, yeah...
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
EnclaveSigmaCA said:
Where else does the DC chapter of the BOS find their weapons and ammunition besides pre-war tech? same with the Enclave?

Officially the DC BoS found an humongous amount of weaponry in the sub levels of the Pentagon, enough "to keep Lyons’ forces going indefinitely".

Oh... So they actually did scavenge it from a 200 year old building...
And super mutants? I wouldn't think they were still packing 5.56 ammunition from when they were still in the masters army. Mini-guns, hunting/chinese/ assault rifles are all in ample supply for the super-mutants?
Super mutants in FO3 have nothing to do with Master's army or Core Region super mutants in FO1/2/NV.
EnclaveSigmaCA said:
And super mutants? I wouldn't think they were still packing 5.56 ammunition from when they were still in the masters army. Mini-guns, hunting/chinese/ assault rifles are all in ample supply for the super-mutants?

A side effect of the V87 FEV is that Super Mutants excrete bullets. True story.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Interestingly I don't think this was never mentioned or hinted in the game, you had to read the Beth FO3 site.

The entire blog entry about the Brotherhood is bullshit from top to bottom. Particularly the "original" mission statement (no reports of supermutants are ever mentioned in game, not a single time) and the claim about the Pentagon. None of it is ever mentioned in the game.

If you ignore that, the game makes a bit more sense. Not much, but those precious drops of sense are always precious.
There aren't American weapons, or Russian, or German! They're ALL "generic"! Heaven forbid Assault Rifles go by the title "AK47", or the Fallout community'd have another bitchfest like they did after FOT... XD

Kidding, of course (about there not being any American weapons). Apparently people on the East Coast ALL adapted to the radiation by dropping half of their IQ points and resorting to sticks and stones for weapons for 200 years, until the Brotherhood came along and they "remembered" all those guns that were lying around were still useful.

Like already said, just don't think about it...
SnapSlav said:
There aren't American weapons, or Russian, or German! They're ALL "generic"! Heaven forbid Assault Rifles go by the title "AK47", or the Fallout community'd have another bitchfest like they did after FOT... XD

Kidding, of course (about there not being any American weapons). Apparently people on the East Coast ALL adapted to the radiation by dropping half of their IQ points and resorting to sticks and stones for weapons for 200 years, until the Brotherhood came along and they "remembered" all those guns that were lying around were still useful.

Like already said, just don't think about it...
They are too stupid to don't think about making spear with pole cue or something :lol:
There may be minor ammunition manufacturing, just not in the immediate area. The Capitol Wasteland is not a vacuum isolated from the rest of society; if the Gun Runners can manufacture arms and ammunition and the Crimson Caravan can transport reliably across state lines, it's perfectly viable for similar organizations to exist near the Capitol Wasteland. We've even seen in Point Lookout and The Pitt that you don't need to go very far to find areas that weren't nuked into a crater, or have seen a return to industry.

As for the firearms, they're not especially hard to justify in terms of looting:

* The 10mm pistol and SMG are military weapons, and there would obviously be a large military presence the capital during a war with China. The N99 was likely also used as a civilian sidearm, much like the Beretta 92 and 1911 (among many others) are used by civilians every day.

* The .32 pistol is a "Saturday Night Special", a cheap handgun purchased in large numbers by the poor who want something for self-defense. Similar handguns in real life are found all over the place.

* The Chinese assault rifle is explicitly mentioned as being smuggled into the United States for undercover agents, so the pistol is probably available for the exact same reason.

* The hunting rifle, obviously, is used for hunting. Very popular past time in America, especially in the 1950s (which Fallout takes many cues from).

* The laser pistol was made in large numbers and is meant to be a durable design that could survive long periods of time without maintenence and stand up to abuse well. Same with the laser rifle.

And these are just some of the most common weapons. Big guns like the flamer and minigun, being specialist military weapons, are appropriately uncommon. The weapon distribution in the game tends to favor large numbers of common military service weapons and civilian arms. And again, this is assuming that ZERO manufacturing is going on even in outlying areas that would be willing to import their weapons.
Personally, I was always more annoyed at how half the production run of the Czechoslovakian Skorpion SMG wound up scattered throughout Illinois (FO:T).

Also, the flavor text for the Assault Rifle in FO1 identifies it as an 'AK-112', which would imply it were a Russian design.

On the subject of flavor text, if I remember right, the ubiquitous gauss rifle and pistol that show up in Fallout 2 have some flavor text about having a military designation like M-72, and the way they show up suddenly in FO2 (besides game balance decisions to add an 'apex' small gun) would suggest that perhaps it was a weapon developed by the Enclave sometime between FO1 and 2, rather than being pre-war tech. The Enclave, considering itself the 'true' US government, are likely to retain the naming conventions for weapons.
polarisslbm said:
Personally, I was always more annoyed at how half the production run of the Czechoslovakian Skorpion SMG wound up scattered throughout Illinois (FO:T).

Also, the flavor text for the Assault Rifle in FO1 identifies it as an 'AK-112', which would imply it were a Russian design.
It was originally named "colt rifle" when the graphics were being designed, though. Oh and originally it used .223 ammo.
polarisslbm said:
On the subject of flavor text, if I remember right, the ubiquitous gauss rifle and pistol that show up in Fallout 2 have some flavor text about having a military designation like M-72, and the way they show up suddenly in FO2 (besides game balance decisions to add an 'apex' small gun) would suggest that perhaps it was a weapon developed by the Enclave sometime between FO1 and 2, rather than being pre-war tech. The Enclave, considering itself the 'true' US government, are likely to retain the naming conventions for weapons.

The Gauss weapons were imports from Germany, much like the SIG-Sauer was imported from Switzerland.