Relentess Fan art.


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Hi, I'm new to the forums and the fallout universe, but I enjoy both alot. :lol:
I made a few pictures and I hope you'd like them.


While checking the wiki to find more about the fallout universe I found a page about a mythological creature - The Horned Kangaroo. I highly doubt it exists, but it sounded like a fun thing to draw...
I guess some may feel like the giant kangaroo of the American wasteland is a highly unprobable and silly idea. For those, maybe its just a giant mutated rodent or something. :lol:


I had the silly idea that the wanamingo evolved from pet fish or south-american poisonous frogs, so I went with that. Also, though the picture doesn't show it, the creature's jaw is.. ummm.. similiar to the Predator. I mean - left jaw goes left, right jaw goes right and it snaps like a bear trap. The arms are probably like the jellyfish's tentacles, used for stunning it's pray. :P

I apologise for any errors. I've only played FO3 (And I still play it, even though it has a few flaws.), but recently got the first two games.
Sweet. I really like your style.

Nice interpretation of the Wanamingo, IMO.

He's made another one, a Gecko, and it rocks. Check the Fan Art Gallery if you don't want to wait for him to post it here.

Relentless: what do you use to draw with? I'm almost thinking you use a ballpoint. Do you?
I have to say, that I like the Kangaroo. Maybe not with a seat on the back but I think it could work good in the Fallout world. It wouldn't be a that big deal, imo, because we also have big Deathclaws from smaller reptiles...
alec said:
He's made another one, a Gecko, and it rocks. Check the Fan Art Gallery if you don't want to wait for him to post it here.

Relentless: what do you use to draw with? I'm almost thinking you use a ballpoint. Do you?

I usually use thin markers and pensils, but somehow the ballpoint works well with the rough post-apocaliptic wasteland theme... :lol:


I'm a little out of ideas, but I'm sure I'd think of something cool in no time. :lol:

I might make another version of the wanamingo... this one kind of lacks something, though I still can't tell what exactly.
Fuck, that's probably the best falloutic stuff I've seen for ages (here in this forums).
Great work. Beth should hire you, and then perhaps we'd get more "fallouty" things in FO4.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.
rcorporon said:
Great work. Beth should hire you, and then perhaps we'd get more "fallouty" things in FO4.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Put your balls back to the ground, dreamer.

I'm afraid Bulgary is just too Russian for those Maryland freaks. :D
Could you do a Centaur if you ever get the chance? I'd really like to see your interpretation of that.
Yes. Do more please.

How did you make the faded looking paper background? Do you use Photoshop or was it all "Natural".
I like that Kangaroo. If I were a betting man, I'd bet on running into something like that in Texas. Texans will herd anything, you know.