Remaking Van Buren


First time out of the vault
Since there are already people clamoring for F3 "remakes" of the first two games, has anyone expressed interest in remaking Van Buren as a stand alone campaign for F3?
Not there was already a project to remake Van Buren on the Fallout 2 engine, which I would consider a better effort than remaking it on the Fallout 3 engine, as Fallout 2 is mechanically closer in concept to VB than Fallout 3 is.
Imagine modding turn based combat and isometric view in Fallout 3, geez that would be hard. However, if you like Fallout 3's gameplay more than the original's, and only want Van Buren for the story, then Fallout 3 could work as a "base".
Er, no, not impossible. At least, no impossible to make a mod that uses the Van Buren story as a basis.

Sure, if you wanted to actually created an isometric-perspective, turn-based game... that would be ludicrously difficult, perhaps impossible, and pointless, would make more sense to use Fallout 2.

But, a mod that used the Van Buren story but was still a first person shooter would be quite doable.

People are already making some quite impressive stuff.

Look at Black Mesa (aka Black Mesa Source), a mod for Half-Life 2 totally recreating Half-life 1. That's a hell of a lot of maps, weapons, NPCs and dialogue recreated.

Of course, it has taken them about five years, longer than some retail games. Supposed to be released some time 2009.

Personally, I was never that impressed by the Van Buren concept and storyline, so I don't go around thinking "Oh, I so wish Black Isle had made Fallout 3." I think many aspects of Bethesda's Fallout 3 were a good idea, but needed better implimentation.

And I'd rather see a massive total conversion mod that recreated Fallout 1, rather than trying to make Van Buren. Fallout 1 remains my favourite in the series.
The reason I say impossible is because that Total Conversions almost never come through. They usually get scrapped or don't meet the expectations. Van Buren would not get what it deserves with a Total Conversion.
Maybe I should change my statement to "Probably won't happen".
I too was never impressed with VB's storyline, Boulder Dome was the only thing I found halfway interesting.

Let the damn thing (VB) rest in peace, getting caught up in the endless cycle of trying to use the bones of VB as some sort of bludgeon to "I told ya so" the community is beyond tired.