Replaying Honest Hearts


It Wandered In From the Wastes
as i'm replaying the game from start to finish since last patch i'm at the point where i'm ready to head up to zion but honestly after spending 30mins there i dont know if i can stomach it again..i didnt mind it the first time, i liked searching for the survivilists caches and i'll probably gin and bear it for the sake of the desert ranger armor but i cant say that i'm enjoying it the 2nd time round, anyone feel similar
Opposite here. I've played it about 3 times and still enjoys it. IMO it's one of the best DLC package there is, Fallout 3 DLC included.
yeah, it was great the first 2 times... then it gets somewhat tedious.

The only redeeming quality after a while is Graham and Randall Clark.
I'm with the OP on this one. Not saying the DLC was bad (the survivalists story is one of the best things I've read for quite some time), but for me all this religious talk is a bit alien, even to a degree where I find it a bit pretentious (which it isn't, I know) and Graham/Daniel felt very bland to me.. I am someone who likes a bit more tighter narrative (Dead Money nailed it for me) so I didn'T do much exploration (what for?) there...
Uh-hu. Honest Heart kinda disappoint me, too. After the awesome Death Money, I thought this one gonna be better. The introduction of the DLC by Jed Masterson was neat and enticing, but the no character development whatsoever following that. The only highlight in this DLC are Survivalist's mini quest, Joshua Graham and meeting Ricky the dork.

The quest were too simple, and the last mission quite anti-climatic.
I have no problems with Honest Hearts, but I can't replay Dead Money again. It's just way too linear for my taste, which Honest Hearts is not.
Lexx said:
I have no problems with Honest Hearts, but I can't replay Dead Money again. It's just way too linear for my taste, which Honest Hearts is not.

Yeah, I get pretty claustrophobic when I play Dead Money. I'm kind of scared to play it a second time, because I don't want to be trapped there again, but I'm thinking that I might like it better the second time, since most of the frustration I encountered the first time came from not knowing where the hell to go or what the hell to do.

The main problem I have with Honest Hearts is that it feels a little rushed. It feels like the stories building up, and then out of nowhere it's time to 'decide the fate of Zion'. It's all pretty anti-climactic. Plus, there's pretty much no reason to go with Daniel's ending, because he's just some guy that you barely talk to and Joshua is the epitome of badassity without it coming off as cheesy or cliche.
Dead Money is the least re-playable, I know because I've played it three times. Joshua Graham alone makes Honest Hearts worth re-playing at least once.
The only good points for Honest Hearts in my opinion is Joshua Graham and the .45 auto weapons.

Tommy-gun anyone?

Other than that, the entire thing is just a drag, even the environment bores me.
For me it's the opposite again. I couldn't care less for the new weapons, but the worldspace is just beautiful (as much as it can be beautiful in that engine).
Yea, it does show the creaky ol' engine can still do nice things. First time I saw it I was amazed the same engine that Fallout 3 ran on could do that.
I don't get why peopel only look for "FAT LOOTZ AND GUNS" in their DLC only, if you are only itnerested in that get the PC version and download a bunch of mods.
Walpknut said:
I don't get why peopel only look for "FAT LOOTZ AND GUNS" in their DLC only, if you are only itnerested in that get the PC version and download a bunch of mods.

No one talked about "FAT LOOTZ AND GUNS" in here, or complained about the lack of it. Is it your inability to stand cricisim again?
Walpknut said:
I don't get why peopel only look for "FAT LOOTZ AND GUNS" in their DLC only, if you are only itnerested in that get the PC version and download a bunch of mods.

Some people's PCs can't run New Vegas...
Walpknut said:
I don't get why peopel only look for "FAT LOOTZ AND GUNS" in their DLC only, if you are only itnerested in that get the PC version and download a bunch of mods.

I did not purchase the DLC for the items, I purchased it to expand on the story and environment of Fallout New Vegas.

Extra items are bonuses, however, I did not enjoy Honest Hearts, therefore, the only value I have in it is one particular character and the .45 pistol and machine gun.
Surf Solar said:
Walpknut said:
I don't get why peopel only look for "FAT LOOTZ AND GUNS" in their DLC only, if you are only itnerested in that get the PC version and download a bunch of mods.

No one talked about "FAT LOOTZ AND GUNS" in here, or complained about the lack of it. Is it your inability to stand cricisim again?

exactly, its not about the loot (though the aforementioned armor is nice) its just hard for me to muster up the interest in helping the sorrows. honestly the only thing that interested me in my first playthrough (and is the only thing i'm focusing on this time) is the Survivalist's Story and finding his caches, his logs. Aside from that the rest is just a bunch of fetch quests with a bunch of patronizing NPCs who i just dont care about.
Courier said:
Then buy a new PC rather than a console.

Too expensive. My laptop already costed about 700$. I'm not about to go buy a new one just to play games, at least, not until I've had this one a few years and/or I win the lottery. However, I'm too lazy to constantly make the 3 hour drive to Tennessee to buy lottery tickets, so I think the former is the only option I have.
dont let the PC elitist crowd get to you, 360 is a perfectly fine way to play NV. The PC is better, but there is nothing wrong with the 360.
I have a $500 laptop that can play New Vegas on the highest settings with reasonable performance. Instead of wasting money on consoles just save up and buy a decent PC, not to mention that games are cheaper on PC than on a console so you'll probably end up saving money by buying one.