Resident Evil 5 demo is out...

Ravager69 said:
Well, think of the black people as the victims - ""Oh, you poor poor man turned into a mindless being against your will, let me stop your suffering." and put the white dudes as the reason of the whole evil that befell the Africans...and that will definetly NOT be racism!

since when has such reasoning worked on gray-haired politicans, religious extremists and self-righteous champions of political corectness? :lol:
"IGN: 5 Problems With Resident Evil 5"

Inventory System:

Let's say you have a green herb in the down position on the grid. Hitting down in the game simply equips it into your hand. Want to use it? You can't – once it's in your hand you have the option to either heal your partner or give it to your partner. Surely using it yourself should be an option? Nope, if you want to use a green herb you have to select it in your inventory, then move the cursor down (the first option is equip) to select use. It's clumsy, and given how often you're likely to choose to use the green herb on yourself as compared to how often you're going to want to equip it, it seems needlessly convoluted

Running with a Knife

Really, why can't we walk with this thing? Why do I have to run up to within striking distance of an enemy, then stop, put away my weapon, and pull out my knife, just to get an attack in? As mentioned before, it makes sense not to allow the player to shoot and move at the same time, heightening tension, yadda yadda yadda, but the whole melee system just feels clunky.

Enemy Difficulty

The fact that you can simply run right past the vast majority of them (the same being true during previous playthroughs at E3 and elsewhere) simply isn't a good sign. Where's the aggression; where's the panic as you realise you're out of space and time? Granted, it's about overwhelming numbers more than it's about intelligence, but the enemies in RE5 feel a little watered down next to their more aggressive RE4 brethren.

The Run Button

We're really not sure what advantages the run button brings. It forces you to take your thumb off the right stick and results in running a little bit like a shopping trolley – you careen along and, yes, you can steer okay, but you'd be able to steer a whole lot better with an industry standard dual analogue set-up. I mean, if you want to turn up a stairwell that branches up to the right, it's ridiculous that it's easier to get to the landing, turn slightly left, then do a 180 degree turn in order to go up the stairs than it is to simply follow the stairs.


So, Resident Evil 5 is set in Africa, only it's not really Africa – it's some mystical, magical land where African slums are filled with people of all races. Oh, look over there, it's a white villager! And ooh, who's that? Why, it's an Asian villager! It's political correctness gone mad, and to be frank, we think it hurts the game.

I am glad they acknowledged the last one.
I just played the demo on the 360 and I agree with all these IGN points.

Controlling your PC shouldn't be this difficult. There are so many combinations of buttons you need to press to do simple things.

Melee system is VERY retarded too. You have to equip the knife before using it and you can't walk with it equipped. It takes a while to switch between the knife and the gun so if you decide to melee and the zombies appear too far for the knife attacks to land, you're pretty much screwed. You have to either switch to the gun and hope they don't leap on you while you do that or, since you can't walk with the knife, you need to put it away and then make a few steps closer and equip it again to attack. :crazy:

Inventory system is not horrible but is pretty bad. Since, the game stays in real time while you bring up the inventory, there shouldn't be more than one press of a button required to use items or change weapons. Why would you need to access Drop command as quickly as Use command when you're surrounded by zombies.

Enemies do seem a lot slower than they were in the trailers as well. I also couldn't figure out where the hell they were coming from sometimes. It seemed like they were just popping up behind me.

The game looks reaaaaally pretty though. I really like how some enemies look too, like the guy with the huge axe. He looks like someone I wouldn't want anywhere near me.

Shotgun action and punching feels very satisfying. I wish I knew how to falcon punch, that looked awesome in the trailer.
Well, melee system has always been pretty bad in RE series as far as I remember.

As for "political correctness", depending on where in Africa it's set, it could be reasonable to see a mix of different races - white people in southern Africa, arabic people in Northern Africa, etc. It's not like Africa is uniformly black, and the IGN reviewer is just being ignorant there.
downloaded the demo from PSN store today. The controls are the biggest piece of Turd i have ever seen!
But the Graphics are Awesome! looks really neat!
DexterMorgan said:
Fuck this, I want my zombies back!

Well seeing how much things are re made I feel you really don't have to wait long for Capcom to do Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3 all over again.
Heres hoping to a Resi 2 remake. Tis my favourite Resident Evil game.

Well my brother quite likes this as he played it round a mates house yesterday.
Seems to be all the fun of Resi 4 but with two people and slightly worse controls.
Ausdoerrt said:
Well, melee system has always been pretty bad in RE series as far as I remember.

As for "political correctness", depending on where in Africa it's set, it could be reasonable to see a mix of different races - white people in southern Africa, arabic people in Northern Africa, etc. It's not like Africa is uniformly black, and the IGN reviewer is just being ignorant there.

I would love for you to find me a run down African shanty town that has an equal white,black,Asian, and middle eastern populace.

The original videos were not like this, it was after the uproar of "zomg white man shooting teh darkies!!111!!!" that the video was released of your African partner and the diverse population.

It is not a big deal to me at all, from what I can tell in the demo they still look mostly black and middle eastern to me. I just hate it when it is even a possibility that unchecked political correctness will gets its way.

edit: As far as setting, someone on System Wars had this to say...

"The West African country of Nigeria. I know this because of the currency sign whenever you pick up gold, which is the 'N' with two horizontal lines going thru it. And i'm Nigerian. :-P"

Take it with a grain of salt obviously, I do not know anything about African currency.
Of course, not exactly equal distribution, no. But the way IGN puts it is just plain stupid.

I haven't seen the demo though, but from what I heard it's not exactly overloaded on "polit. correctness".

BTW, I wonder why there was no uproar for RE4, as in "omfg, white guy shooting the Hispanic pplz"?? :lol:
Ausdoerrt said:
BTW, I wonder why there was no uproar for RE4, as in "omfg, white guy shooting the Hispanic pplz"?? :lol:
1) Spaniards != hispanics (hispanics being the result of the whole interbreeding thing between spaniards (and various other caucasians) with the native american tribes)

2) It's just a white person killing other white people, no one cares. Our society has decided that it's only worth making a fuss over when one ethnicity does something to a different ethnicity.

On topic... I agree with most points. The co-op (even the partner system with the AI-controlled partner) seems well done. But, the enemies' intelligence and aggressiveness definitely need upgrades. The quick inventory thing is a nice thought, but it needs some work, and there should still be a proper menu screen like there was in RE4. The quick inventory should be an addition, not a replacement. Also, they should really consider trying harder for atmosphere. It's great and all having a nice action system, but having that nice action system in a Resident Evil game with a properly creepy, spooky, slightly sickening, and downright frightening-at-times atmosphere would just be a lot better. RE4 still had its moments. I hope they didn't completely forget about the horror part of survival horror in this one. And of course the whole awkward knife situation.
Gameplay mostly feels just like with res4 and im fine with it (it works) and co - op seems well done, biggest gripe i have is that indeed running past enemies is ridicilously easy.
This often leads to you running past enemies, shooting them few times until they catch up with you and then you just run past them again. Just repeat this ten times until they are all dead... This isnt allways the case though because when playing with ai friend she gets sometimes surrounded and helping her is needed. Also including one bigger enemy ( like in both stages of demo) helps.

Im assuming this problem is mostly because of these stages are taken relatively early from the game and there is more challenge up ahead.
I am not sure how I feel about the buddy system. When playing with a friend or someone on the internet who is a decent player I am sure it will be fantastic.

More or less I am worried it is going to feel like a game long escort mission only with this your escort can shoot and pick up items. I have a feeling I will be getting pissed off quite a bit at first when my partner decides to run headlong into a group of bad guys or up against the chainsaw/axe man.

Maybe there will be an option where I can tell her to sit in the back and let me do all the work? :P