Resurrection: Fallout 3 op-ed article

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Resolution Magazine has a fairly negative and pretty asinine retrospective/review-esque thing on Fallout 3.<blockquote>In Fallout 3, however, shooting is key. Sure, some weapons work better than others, but once VATS has run its course and I have to cower behind a rock while I wait for it to recharge, I have to trust in my FPS skills. Only, Fallout 3 isn’t an FPS. It’s an RPG, and the floaty crosshairs reflect this. None of the weapons have any real heft, and the controls slide around without weight or substance. It creates a disconnect that I can’t get over, but – more importantly – I keep bloody missing whatever I’m shooting.

Early on, this aggravation is compounded, not eliminated, by the turn-based VATS. I queue up a long line of attacks, only to see my laser beams fly off into the distance like a light show at a rave. In Fallout 3, this translates into dying a lot. It introduces the paranoia of constantly having to save every five seconds, which breaks any immersion. In some ways, this is a masterstroke of mercy. I’m constantly at odds with the cloying animosity of my surroundings, and any interruptions are a welcome relief.</blockquote>Yeah, VATS is totally turn-based, and the odds of dying while in VATS were so high! Oh wait...<blockquote>In total, I’ve put well over 25 hours into Fallout 3 so far, and I’ve managed to get absolutely nowhere. It’s difficult to summon the courage to return to a world so ruined – and so ruinous – as that of Bethesda’s. Endless foraging, punishing combat, the chores of simply existing – can you blame me? It’s all so wearying. I just don’t have the energy for it.

Like I said, it’s probably my fault. I understand; I just don’t enjoy it. Perhaps I just prefer my games to be shinier, lighter, fluffier excursions: ones that lie glittering in my pile of games, winking at me, alluring and infinitely more inviting than the iron grimness of Fallout 3. I fondly scratch Dragon Age: Origins under the chin – a game positively merry by comparison, but undoubtedly informed by Bethesda’s Fallout – and make a genuine promise to return to that soon.</blockquote>Calling Fallout 3 too dark, ok, but is he seriously calling the game too unforgiving and difficult for him? Giddings my man, try this, it'll be an eye-opener.

Spotted on GameBanshee.
It looks like the implosion has started. Soon more and more people will say the things we have hammered over and over in the past.
Khan FurSainty said:
It looks like the implosion has started. Soon more and more people will say the things we have hammered over and over in the past.

I don't think there'll be much of an explosion. New Vegas is too similar to Fallout 3 in many ways for the journos to risk it.

More a steady trickle of negative opinions, but that's par for the course.

Outright bad/nonsensical pieces like this one don't help anyone though
In total, I’ve put well over 25 hours into Fallout 3 so far, and I’ve managed to get absolutely nowhere.

uhhh. is this serious? i don't think the writer should be a games journalist if he gets lost in a game with a huge quest compass and then bitches about the game because of it. iirc, i beat the game in just under 20. granted i didn't do everything, but i was also not completely lost because there was this quest compass and journal that made being lost pretty impossible. the current objective flashes on the screen every so often. i could understand if he said fallout 1, but he said fallout 3.

there are a multitude of reasons to not like fallout 3, but i feel that being bad at games while being a games journalist should not be on that list unless you want people to point and laugh at you for failing miserably.
junkevil said:
In total, I’ve put well over 25 hours into Fallout 3 so far, and I’ve managed to get absolutely nowhere.

uhhh. is this serious? i don't think the writer should be a games journalist if he gets lost in a game with a huge quest compass and then bitches about the game because of it. iirc, i beat the game in just under 20. granted i didn't do everything, but i was also not completely lost because there was this quest compass and journal that made being lost pretty impossible. the current objective flashes on the screen every so often. i could understand if he said fallout 1, but he said fallout 3.

there are a multitude of reasons to not like fallout 3, but i feel that being bad at games while being a games journalist should not be on that list unless you want people to point and laugh at you for failing miserably.

25 hours after installing FO3, it was already uninstalled from my computer after having blown through it in 13 hours on hard. This idiot should stick to Peggle.
- He recognizes Fallout 3 as an RPG because of floaty crosshairs.

- He says he has FPS skills but obviously can't do anything without VATS.

- He considers challenging combat an immersion breaker.

- He has fits of depression about Fallout 3's environment and setting.

- He also thinks it's the darkest, most austere and bleak creation of Man.

- He seems to think he's the only person in the world to not have orgasms every time he plays it.

It's good that people try to be critical, but this has to be some of the most unintentionally hilarious, pretentious bullshit i've read in a long while. Sounds like he wrote that from Emo University in Casual City.
junkevil said:
uhhh. is this serious? i don't think the writer should be a games journalist if he gets lost in a game with a huge quest compass and then bitches about the game because of it. iirc, i beat the game in just under 20. granted i didn't do everything, but i was also not completely lost because there was this quest compass and journal that made being lost pretty impossible. the current objective flashes on the screen every so often. i could understand if he said fallout 1, but he said fallout 3.
The first time I played Oblivion I spent at least 15 hours talking to everyone in town and doing... not a whole lot. I could understand him just wondering around the wastes for most of the time and getting bored but otherwise... yeah. That's the problem with telling your customers that your game is a "go anywhere, do anything game," they get really bored when they try doing just that.

Hahah, yeah Mad. This guy is pretty amazing and I can't believe that he's played many FPSs or is any good at any of them.

Nothing like really poorly written articles to make a joke out of criticizing a game.
Oh, the typical fan to the original Fallout series! Scared by the harsh world of Fallout 3!

Anyway, Fallout 3 is old already!
A harsh world full of medicine, food and water all around?

Don't think so.
How can Fallout 3 be too hard for him but Dragon Age seem easy? I'm not saying Dragon Age is the hardest or most complex thing out there, but it has a lot more complexity than Fallout 3 ever did!
I fondly scratch Dragon Age: Origins under the chin – a game positively merry by comparison, but undoubtedly informed by Bethesda’s Fallout

What relation does DA have to FO3 again?
That guy's a fucking idiot. First, who's gonna give a shit about any review about Fallout 3 at this point?

Second, that guy's a fucking nooby noob. He's also fucking stupid for expecting the game to be a traditional turn-based RPG. I can agree that the shooting part was shit, but if he kept dying and having to save every 5 minutes then maybe he should give up videogames and type for some fucking cooking magazine instead.