Right-Wing Extremism


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
My countrymen are scaring the shit out of me. Anyone who can read Dutch should <a href="http://frontpage.fok.nl/nieuws/49532
">read this and be really fucking scared.</a>
Basically, the article says "Geert Wilders is an extremist, and what he wants sometimes does not belong in any democratic state", this is stated by several scientists, and is based on Wilders' claiming that he wants to have so-called 'emergency-laws' to be able to throw muslim-extremists out of the country without them having done anything, and on his regarding non-ethnic Dutch as not being real Dutch citizens.
Reasonable "news" post, but the reactions of all the people there are what's scaring me. They consist largely of "Maybe he is an extremist, but he's right!" and "It's those people's own fault, they all suck. But hey, I'm not a racist, I have no problems with Asian people". and "The Islam is oppressive, just look at those muslim countries!".
And then it starts on a tangent about "They're all just demonising" and "Those idiots don't have any arguments, so they do this!"
Hah. Fuck that. I hate these people. They go around after incidents like the murder on Theo van Gogh completely changing their vision (Hey, most of the stuff being said would've been completely hated a couple of months ago), and then looking back at older times and saying things like "Those PC times were completely suffocating" and "They all fucked it up" (They usually being either a non-descript group of people in the government, or the previous governments, who were praised a lot while they were still in power). Bloody idiotic hypocritics.

Okay, so on to the issue I want to bring up:
How should right-wing extremism be confronted?
Throwing around the terms 'right-wing extremism' and using other scare tactics similar to that only enrages people, and is also very dishonest, since the people doing that usually claim the moral and logical higher ground, but then use that to slander. We've seen this before in the Netherlands, and it worked only partly once, I doubt it'll work at all again. It's a hypocritical and silly tactic, to boot. It's also what the Belgian government is trying to do to Vlaams Blok/Belang, and that obviously isn't working.
So I suggest that going into a dialogue with them is best. Sure, maybe they're a bunch of thick-headed who won't change their views, but that only goes for the hard core. Remember that most people wouldn't even have thought of right-wing extremism a few years back, and that they themselves have been convinced of the rights of this political conviction. If people are convinced once, they can be convinced again.
So: whenever you see right-wing extremist opinions, do not start to talk about Hitler or other extremists and compare those views with them, but discuss why the views are incorrect instead. This means that you approach these people on an equal footing, giving them no reason to exclaim 'demonising', and it shows that you are willing to think about and discuss this subject rationally, and this is something people should be able to respect, especially after they've been shouting 'they're all demonising us!' for weeks in a row.
It's funny how any right-winged opinion is discarded as "nazi-ist" in some countries.
I particularily love how my country's politicians deal with right-winged parties: not only do they ignore them, but they act as if they didn't exist.

Y'know, sometimes even a nazi manages to use the few braincells he has and produces something worth discussing.
The only thing you do by being ignorant about right-winged ideas is promoting extremism and censorship, which can't be good.

But hey, I live in a country where you jeopardize your career if you publically question Israeli politics "coz they're Jews and you da Kraut".
Welcome to the world, Sander.

This is what I've been seeing for years. All you need is a good 'jump start' light things up. Do you think racism is barbaric? Hell no. Do you think anti-semitism is barbaric? Hell no. Do you think right extremists are somehow less intelligent than you and I? Hell no.

It's inside our culture. Inside of our civilization. Xenofobism. Blind hatred. It's always been there, and it will never, ever go away. Nazi's, for instance, weren't barbarians. They weren't evil. They didn't act in a way that went against common thought and belief at that time.
They were, if you excuse my wording, the 'pinnacle' of civilization then. They were the spearhead of the intellectual world. They did what scientists and brilliant minds all over the world only dreamt of doing: finally putting eugenetics to work and ridding the human species of all 'unpure' elements.

History repeats itself, Sander. There's nothing you can do to show these people 'the light'. I've been trying - I really have - all my life, but people don't listen. I've been talking into my father for over a decade now, but he doesn't understand. No matter how much you reason with them, no matter what kind of dialog you enter with them, no matter how much you try to ignore it and hope it'll al go away: this is only growing.

It's the Konratjev cycle of hatred: it'll grow, and grow, and grow, until something terrible happens and people realise what they are doing. History repeats itself. This has happened throughout all the ages, and it'll have to burn itself out.

Belgians have tried fighting this for years: to no avail. The VB is only growing, and it'll continue growing. Try to stop them, and you're the 'nazi'.

This scares me more than it does you.
And it has scared me for a long time now.
Jebus said:
It's the Konratjev cycle of hatred: it'll grow, and grow, and grow, until something terrible happens and people realise what they are doing. History repeats itself. This has happened throughout all the ages, and it'll have to burn itself out.

Unfortunately, I have to agree. At least we can say we continued being tolerant as the rest of the world descended into WW3.
Oh God not there too...

Im really worried for the state of the world. The war on Islam is just an excuse for the reactionaries to take power and do God knows what...

Just recently a poll showed that roughly 50% of my nation favors putting restrictions on the freedoms of Islamic American's and 50% thinks its wrong...

:evil: ,
The Vault Dweller
It is just me or is the USA starting to look like the political environment that cause the founders of the USA to flee Europe?
calculon00 said:
It is just me or is the USA starting to look like the political environment that cause the founders of the USA to flee Europe?

If only the "well-meaning" Republicans could read an American history book...for shame...

:cry: ,
The Vault Dweller
There are two ways to fight right-wing extremism:

1) Democracy. You must understand, the right-wing parties aren't strong per se anywhere in Europe. Their apparent strength comes from passivity of the middle class, who get comfy in their way of life and no longer fulfill their democratic duty to partake in the country's political life. However, if a right-wing party becomes too powerful, middle-class people are the first to flock to the election booths and cast their vote pro democracy, against extremism. This happened in France when Le Penn seemed all set to win the presidential election, which alarmed the moderate, but passive majority and ignited the faded democratic consciousness of French people. It's not unreasonable to expect something like that would happen in the Netherlands, Belgium or any other European country.

2) Police batons. If right-wing masses get overly bold, it's best to crack down on them hard. Heavy-handedness may be perceived as harmful and unpopular on the short term, but on the long term it sometimes turns out to have been the proper course of action.
3) Executions. Public, on the street, usually at random. Really the best way to deal with this kind of situation.

4) Deportation. If you don't like having to wash all the blood off the streets or have problems killing the eldarly and children, then deportation is the way to go.
Your French example is perfect Ratty!

I honestly think that if the Republican's continue to f*** the economy over (as they will) the continued loss of middle class jobs will spur them to change party affiliations. After all...it may be bad, but if there's one thing I know about American's its that they like their money and if thats good then they hardly care about anything else...perhaps thats the problem...

Yet the the revolution really began with the stamp tax uproar and the Boston Tea Party...both about business...

Im starting to agree with you Commissar Lauren...

The Vault Dweller
Commissar Lauren said:
3) Executions. Public, on the street, usually at random. Really the best way to deal with this kind of situation.

Didn't the French also try this a while ago? :wink:
Jebus said:
This is what I've been seeing for years. All you need is a good 'jump start' light things up. Do you think racism is barbaric? Hell no. Do you think anti-semitism is barbaric? Hell no. Do you think right extremists are somehow less intelligent than you and I? Hell no.

Racism and xenophobia is probably the result of genetic traits designed to protect our genes and territory from outsiders. I see such illogical things as primitive (you might say barbaric for some reason) and unnecessary in the modern world. Like pedophilia you will not be able to totally get rid of this phenomenon, but one should try to prevent harm occurring as a result of it.

I am not racist but I am a little bit 'culturalist', and can understand what some of these right-wing people are saying. Nobody wants enclaves of extreme 'difference', with people with totally different values, beliefs and way of life causing problems for their adoptive nation. If people want to come to live in another country, they must join with the culture, learn the language and become equal members of society. However, the argument that race gives one inalienable rights and makes you 'better' than people of another race is incredibly stupid and very dangerous. Right-wing extremists usually have the most far-fetched and fearful opinions because they do not think things through. They are usually stupid, so they see things in black and white and are unwilling to compromise.

Just as you cannot negotiate with terrorists, you cannot negotiate with right-wing extremists. You should try, as there is always hope, but it is highly likely that you will fail. If they cross the old line, people should show no mercy for them, demolishing their arguments at every turn and then reminding them of the Nazis
(*cough* Holocaust/Appeasement *cough*)
and other extremist regimes. Scare tactics do work unfortunately, and the popular image of a party is very important, so vilification is a useful tactic. It must be known that the behaviour of the extremist party is unacceptable and that they are not representative of the general population.

Luckily for us, the Nazi leadership was stupid and Hitler went nuts, but it would not have been so terrible if many were not so apathetic and selfish. We must not become collaborators with deranged demagogues. The main protection against right-wing (or left-wing extremism) is having a strong values system backed by excellent education throughout people's lives. A good education will provide economic opportunities and the development of a healthy world view that will encourage political moderation and not extreme policies.

The practical way to stop the extremists democratically is to have a consensus between both conservative and liberal parties as to where to draw the line. Politicians should be able to voice their own concerns, but extremists should not be given support. Instead the moderate elements of both sides should unite to demolish the power base of extremists. Let the possible followers of extremist parties stay on the extreme-right wing of the regular conservative party where they can voice their concerns about immigration laws and the like. But if they go to far, beyond the consensus, they must be punished. If they do not relent, the 'hard case' traitors will be ostracised and will not have the numbers to form a new party with any clout. There will be many more moderates who actually want to have a chance in government than following the 'Nazi crazy' who was rejected by his own party.
Nobody wants enclaves of extreme 'difference', with people with totally different values, beliefs and way of life causing problems for their adoptive nation. If people want to come to live in another country, they must join with the culture, learn the language and become equal members of society.


I don't understand why cultures that promote freedom and equal oppurtunities feel the need to attach a disclaimer proclaiming "valid as long as you look, think, talk, and act like us".

Is it so offensive that people aren't exactly like you, or I? Is the world going to degenerate into senselessness because people speak different languages and have different customs?
Thank you all for completely missing my entire point. Yes, I know that right-wing extremism is there and always has been there in some ways, but what I also noted was that until now it had always been discarded by saying 'Nazism!' and demonising the people following that philosophy, and that has only strengthened them. That's also exactly what the Belgian government and people have been doing: they're just saying Vlaams Blok are fascists, and that they are hence evil and bad. They don't debate, discuss or talk with them on an equal footing, and that was what the second part of my post was about. Practically all of you missed that, for some reason, and some even continued with comparing this to what happened with Hitler. Quietfanatic even recommends doing that very thing, while I explicitly noted that that hasn't really worked: the ones supporting right-wing extremism will only be strengthened in their belief that no-one sees them as having any decent arguments. This is all bullshit.

Also note, Ratty, that you are wrong. Belgium has compulsary voting: everyone votes, and still Vlaams Blok/Belnag gets a quarter of the votes.
Sander said:
Also note, Ratty, that you are wrong. Belgium has compulsary voting: everyone votes, and still Vlaams Blok/Belnag gets a quarter of the votes.
Then that explains it. Belgians are pissed with having to get up early on the election day and drag their asses to the elections spots, so they intentionally vote for the most dumbass party they can find. If not, there's always option number two.

This means that you approach these people on an equal footing, giving them no reason to exclaim 'demonising', and it shows that you are willing to think about and discuss this subject rationally, and this is something people should be able to respect, especially after they've been shouting 'they're all demonising us!' for weeks in a row
No. These people are idiots - plain and simple. Their convictions are completely wrong, their arguments are moronic and manner in which they express them disgusts me. How can you rationally discuss something with someone who represents an ideology that is in its basis irrational and backward? I refuse to approach these people on equal footing, because I know I am not equal to them. Should they win power, I will do everything I can within democratic boundaries to confront them. If it doesn't work, I will move out of the country - simple as that. I don't give a flying fuck about how much public support they have - I have seen many times that 50% of a country's population can be painfully stupid and wrong, and it is my democratic right to refuse to acknowledge them and their primitive ideas. Neither would I shed a tear if the government decided to "confront" the right-wing nutjobs with riot batons and tear gas - since their parents obviously failed to raise and educate them properly, it's up to the authorities to beat those bullshit views out of them. Preferably as violently as possible.
Ratty said:

I agree with ratty completely.

Ratty said:
No. These people are idiots - plain and simple. Their convictions are completely wrong, their arguments are moronic and manner in which they express them disgusts me. How can you rationally discuss something with someone who represents an ideology that is in its basis irrational and backward? I refuse to approach these people on equal footing, because I know I am not equal to them. Should they win power, I will do everything I can within democratic boundaries to confront them. If it doesn't work, I will move out of the country - simple as that. I don't give a flying fuck about how much public support they have - I have seen many times that 50% of a country's population can be painfully stupid and wrong, and it is my democratic right to refuse to acknowledge them and their primitive ideas. Neither would I shed a tear if the government decided to "confront" the right-wing nutjobs with riot batons and tear gas - since their parents obviously failed to raise and educate them properly, it's up to the authorities to beat those bullshit views out of them. Preferably as violently as possible.

Just know that they probably feel the same about you.
Don't worry! The US has gone through it enough times. This all started with mccarthyism during the cold war. Governments are good for making people think "hey! Let's go kick certain races out!"
Luckily for the world, there are ANTIFA organizations, ready to slaughter extremist right-wing leaders all around the world.

So, I say "nazis! racists! KKK's! go on rallies! show yourselves!"

We'll know where and how to strike.