RNC Welcoming Committee

I don't actually have a bucket of urine, my housemate reuses an old laundry detergent container in his bedroom. Saves him from midnight trips to the bathroom and is great for the garden.

Kharn said:
the way the prosecution uses it is correct: it just sounds like they have no case to prove it in the end

I'll revive this thread when the trials come about, assuming that the prosecution can carry through with a case.

Kharn said:
in which case what's the problem amirite?
Nournot, fag.

B5C, can you provide an example of an "accurate non-bias source" on this topic? I've been posting from news sources rather than blogs, and I haven't seen you address anything on the subject.
Fuck it, strike for being an obnoxious cunt.

Ozrat said:
B5C, can you provide an example of an "accurate non-bias source" on this topic? I've been posting from news sources rather than blogs, and I haven't seen you address anything on the subject.

Are you kidding me? Just because they don't have "blog" in the title does not make them newssources.

"About MinnPost": MinnPost is a nonprofit journalism enterprise that publishes MinnPost.com.
Translation: MinnPost is a blog.

"What is SDS": Students for a Democratic Society is an association of people on the left.
Translation: a. biased, b. not a "news source" either.
Ozrat said:
B5C, can you provide an example of an "accurate non-bias source" on this topic? I've been posting from news sources rather than blogs, and I haven't seen you address anything on the subject.

You used your spin machine to turn things around. Majority of the arrests were because of the protesters breaking the rules.

Also remember:
Hooray for Fascism!

Honestly, sometimes I think we'd be better off with Despotism.

We'd either have a benevolent despot or Pol Pot, either way we wouldn't have to deal with this garbage every 4 years.
generalissimofurioso said:
Hooray for Fascism!

Honestly, sometimes I think we'd be better off with Despotism.

We'd either have a benevolent despot or Pol Pot, either way we wouldn't have to deal with this garbage every 4 years.

Why not anarchy? We wouldn't have to deal with the pol pots or this garbage every 4 years.
Anarchy is a pipe dream.

Plus if Mad Max has taught me anything, it's that Anarchy leads to assless chaps and dune buggies.

I hate assless chaps and dune buggies.
B5C said:
Ozrat said:
B5C, can you provide an example of an "accurate non-bias source" on this topic? I've been posting from news sources rather than blogs, and I haven't seen you address anything on the subject.

You used your spin machine to turn things around. Majority of the arrests were because of the protesters breaking the rules.

You will never know that. The truth is police can arrest and detain people at random during rallies and the chaos causes people to not notice.

Also, idealists of both sides tend to enjoy exacerbate situations into putting guilt onto the opposition, and pity on themselves.

In all honesty this country wasn't suppose to function this way. The ability to protest was encouraged at the founding of the U.S.. The people of the past couldn't see that weapons and the military industrial complex would turn a revolt, into a smoking crater thanks to a laser-guided munition that no person themselves as a citizen has the right to own. Anyone who thinks an "Armed revolt" is possible anymore is naive with their head stuck in the history books, or batshit insane.

If everyone had a nuke, or just a musket for that matter, or maybe a Gort, this wouldn't be an issue.

As for the detaining of the 8 people, we all know it reaks of bullshit, but it's in the parameters of the law so their is nothing that can be done about it.

B5C said:
Also remember:

Well, up yours and have a bullet breakfast asshole.
Ozrat said:
While giving broad groups of people labels and them attacking them is easy fun and all, it really isn't that simple. After all, I did vote for a republican in the primaries. I fail to see how a bipartisan or even polypartisan party political system is actually democratic.

thats because it isnt democratic.

neither is the US
BN, I am a bit disappointed. I thought you were trying to point out something that I wasn't comprehending, but it turns out that you were just playing the role of devil's advocate.

Brother None said:
Are you kidding me? Just because they don't have "blog" in the title does not make them newssources.

"About MinnPost": MinnPost is a nonprofit journalism enterprise that publishes MinnPost.com.
Translation: MinnPost is a blog.

"What is SDS": Students for a Democratic Society is an association of people on the left.
Translation: a. biased, b. not a "news source" either.
The MinnPost article was originally published by Jewish World Service (an international development organization motivated by Judaism’s imperative to pursue justice.) in case that makes any difference.

You conveniently forgot about me citing ABC News, Pioneer Press, Star Tribune, and CNN. If those are not news sources, I do not know what would fly as news in your eyes. I find it odd that there would be some kind of criteria to being a news source in a free press. What good is a free press if eyewitnesses don't count as journalists, or if members of the media are being arrested while being there to document the events?

As far as citing news sources, biased or not, the only other person I've noticed to cite anything would be welsh. B5C is calling bullshit, yet he has failed to cite anything or to actually address the topic at all.

I've found it hard to find much reported in mainstream media on the pre-emptive raids and arrests, and of followup coverage on the subject. Luckily there is a website devoted to covering this legal spectacle: http://rnc8.org/

TheWesDude: I was referring to the ideals that the system was supposedly based upon, despite the fact that the US is actually a federal republic.
generalissimofurioso said:
Hooray for Fascism!

You know you could actually sing that with the same tune as "hurray for Hollywood!"

Honestly, sometimes I think we'd be better off with Despotism.

We'd either have a benevolent despot or Pol Pot, either way we wouldn't have to deal with this garbage every 4 years.

Any so democracy that allows free expression allows for the cynicism and nihilism that breeds the embrace of another despot.

Or is this merely the accumulated scorn and apathy in a one segment of society?

Or is just cheap yet cool to be cynical and adopt a cloak that says "realism"?

Honestly, I think that's just pathetic.
Someone's sarcasm detectors are broken.

The only despot I'd trust to run the country right would be myself and I highly doubt I'd be able to hold my position for any meaningful period of time before someone shot me in the back of the head.

Or sent exploding tigers after me...
Ozrat said:
I'll revive this thread when the trials come about, assuming that the prosecution can carry through with a case.

[url=http://www.twincities.com/news/ci_12107307?source=rss said:
Ramsey County prosecutor drops terrorism charges against RNC8[/url]]04/09/2009
Terrorism charges have been dropped against eight defendants accused of conspiracy to commit riot and property damage during the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul.

The Ramsey County attorney's office said this morning that it would file amended complaints in the cases of the men and women known as the "RNC 8." The charges of conspiracy to commit riot and conspiracy to commit criminal damage to property will remain, but other charges of conspiracy to commit riot and conspiracy to commit criminal damage to property "in furtherance of terrorism" will be dismissed.

"We believe the terrorism charges would have been a distraction at trial," said Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner. "Dismissing those charges will help us focus on the core illegal conduct that occurred."

The terrorism law was enacted in 2002 by the state Legislature. It provides longer sentences for felony crimes that involve premeditation and violence to persons or property and which are intended, among other things, to intimidate the public and disrupt the right of lawful assembly, the county attorney said.

In this case, however, the state's sentencing guidelines provide for stayed prison sentences with jail time, fines and other sanctions as possible conditions of probation. The eight defendants would not face longer prison sentences if convicted under the terrorism sentencing enhancement.

"Under the circumstances, the terrorism charge just complicates the case," Gaertner said.

Prosecutors will move to amend the complaint and dismiss the terrorism counts at a hearing May 26 in Ramsey County District Court.